Generate DotCode Barcodes in JavaScript


DotCode is a 2D barcode type designed to ensure accurate reading and decoding, particularly for barcodes created using high-speed inkjet or laser printing.
Key features of DotCode include:

  • Capability to encode both text and byte streams.
  • Support for Reed-Solomon error correction.
  • No fixed limit on input data size, allowing variable data capacity.
  • Support for Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI).
  • Structured append mechanism to combine data from multiple barcodes.
  • Ability to split data encoded in a single barcode into several messages.

Set DotCode Layout

To create DotCode barcodes with a specific layout, you need to set the Rows and Columns properties of the DotCodeParameters class. The DotCode standard has the following requirements for rows and columns:

  • The minimum number of rows or columns is 5. To improve recognition quality, it is recommended to use at least 7 rows and columns.
  • The sum of rows and columns in a DotCode barcode must be an odd number. It is possible to specify only the number of rows or columns, with the other layout parameter being set automatically. If the manually set number of rows and columns is insufficient to generate a DotCode barcode, an exception will be raised.
12 Rows 18 Columns 26 Rows and 29 Columns

The following code sample demonstrates how to set the layout for a generated DotCode barcode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Generate a DotCode barcode with specified column and row settings

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance with data "Aspose"
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode", "Aspose");

// Set the XDimension (dot size) to 10 pixels
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "10px";

// Set columns to 18 and save the image
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.Columns = 18;
document.getElementById("img1").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Set rows to 12 and save the image, with columns set to auto
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.Columns = -1; // Auto columns
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.Rows = 12;
document.getElementById("img2").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Set rows to 26 and columns to 29, and save the image
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.Columns = 29;
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.Rows = 26;
document.getElementById("img3").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image


Set Encoding Mode

The barcode library provides several encoding modes for generating DotCode barcodes. You can select the required mode by setting the DotCodeEncodeMode property of the DotCodeParameters class. The possible values are defined in the DotCodeEncodeMode enumeration. The available modes are described below:

  • Auto: In Auto mode, the CodeText is encoded with maximum data compactness. This is the default setting.
  • Binary: The Binary mode encodes binary data with maximum data compactness.
  • ECI: The Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) mode indicates that the encoded data is interpreted according to the ECI protocol defined by the AIM ECI Specifications.
  • Extended: The Extended mode offers flexible encoding controls, allowing manual specification of the encoding for part of the Codetext.

Auto Encoding Mode

In Auto mode, the CodeText is encoded with maximum data compactness. Unicode characters are re-encoded using the encoding specified in the ECIEncoding property, with an ECI identifier inserted. If a character not supported by the selected ECI encoding is encountered, an exception is thrown. By default, the ECIEncoding property is set to ECIEncodings.UTF8 (ECI ID: “\000026”). The following code sample demonstrates how to generate a DotCode barcode in Auto mode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Generate a DotCode barcode with mixed character data

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance with data "犬Right狗"
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode", "犬Right狗");

// Save the generated barcode image
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image


Binary Encoding Mode

The Binary mode serves to encode byte streams. If a Unicode character is encountered, an exception is thrown. The code sample below explains how to work with this encoding mode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Generate a DotCode barcode with binary encoded data

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode");

// Set the binary encoded data
var encodedArr = [0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFC, 0xFB, 0xFA, 0xF9];
var b64encoded = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, encodedArr));

// Set DotCode encode mode to Binary
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.DotCodeEncodeMode = BarCodeInstance.DotCodeEncodeMode.Binary;

// Display the barcode image
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image


ECI Encoding Mode

The Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) mode indicates that the encoded data is interpreted according to the ECI protocol defined by the AIM ECI Specifications. When ECI mode is selected, the entire CodeText is re-encoded using the encoding specified in the ECIEncoding property, with an ECI identifier inserted. If a character not supported by the chosen ECI encoding is encountered, an exception will be thrown. By default, the ECIEncoding property is set to ECIEncodings.UTF8 (ECI ID: “\000026”).

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the ECI mode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// ECI mode, Latin/Greek alphabet encoding. ECI ID:"\000009"
var str = "ΑΒΓΔΕ";

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode", str);

// Set DotCode encode mode to ECI
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.DotCodeEncodeMode = BarCodeInstance.DotCodeEncodeMode.ECI;

// Set ECI encoding to ISO 8859-7 (Greek)
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.ECIEncoding = BarCodeInstance.ECIEncodings.ISO_8859_7;

// Display the barcode image
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image


Extended Encoding Mode

In the Extended Codetext mode, the input data provided to the Codetext property includes special control words along with the main information. These control words activate extended encoding options and allow different parts of the text to be stored with distinct encodings within a single barcode. To generate DotCode barcodes using this format, it is recommended to use the DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder class.

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the Extended mode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

//create codetext
// Create an instance of DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder
var textBuilder = new BarCodeInstance.DotCodeExtCodetextBuilder();

// Add FNC1 format identifier

// Add ECI codetext with UTF-8 encoding and the string "犬Right狗"
textBuilder.AddECICodetext(BarCodeInstance.ECIEncodings.UTF8, "犬Right狗");

// Add plain codetext "Plain text"
textBuilder.AddPlainCodetext("Plain text");

// Add FNC3 symbol separator

// Add FNC3 reader initialization

// Add plain codetext "Reader initialization info"
textBuilder.AddPlainCodetext("Reader initialization info");

// Generate the extended codetext
var codetext = textBuilder.GetExtendedCodetext();

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode", codetext);

// Set DotCode encode mode to Extended
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.DotCodeEncodeMode = BarCodeInstance.DotCodeEncodeMode.Extended;

// Display the barcode image
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image


Structured Append Mode

The barcode library supports a special generation mode for creating DotCode barcodes with structured append. This mode allows up to 35 DotCode barcodes to be combined. To enable this mode, the following properties need to be initialized:

The following code sample demonstrates how to enable the Structured Append mode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance with the string "Aspose"
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode", "Aspose");

// Set the X dimension to 10 pixels
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "10px";

// Set DotCode structured append mode
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.DotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodeId = 3;
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.DotCodeStructuredAppendModeBarcodesCount = 5;

// Display the barcode image
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image


Aspect Ratio

By default, the ratio between X and Y coordinates in a DotCode barcode equals to 1. To manually adjust this ratio with custom values, developers can initialize the AspectRatio property of class DotCodeParameters, which is relative to the value of XDimension. The code sample below explains how to modify the aspect ratio in a generated DotCode barcode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance with the string "Aspose"
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode", "Aspose");

// Set the X dimension to 10 pixels
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "10px";

// Set aspect ratio to 0.5
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.AspectRatio = 0.5;

// Display the barcode image
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image


Hardware Reader Initialization

To encode a special flag indicating that the data in a DotCode barcode is intended to initialize a hardware reader, you can set the IsReaderInitialization property. The following code sample demonstrates how to enable this property.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Create a DotCode barcode generator instance with the string "Aspose"
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("DotCode", "Aspose");

// Set the X dimension to 10 pixels
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "10px";

// Set flag indicating that the data is encoded for reader initialization
gen.Parameters.Barcode.DotCode.IsReaderInitialization = true;

// Display the barcode image
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image
