Generate QR Code, Micro QR Code and Rectangular Micro QR Code in JavaScript


The QR Code family corresponds to 2D matrix barcodes of square or rectangular shapes. QR Code and Micro QR Code barcodes require placement on a surface with a square space, while the Rectangular Micro QR Code (rMQR) barcode requires placement on a surface with a rectangular space. This group of symbologies has a high data density and allows for the encoding of both byte streams of data and arbitrary information represented as a set of Unicode symbols. In Aspose.BarCode for JavaScript via C++, the data encoding in Unicode is performed using Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) and supports various encoding modes, among which UTF8 is the most common.

At the minimal error correction level, the QR Code symbology can encode up to 7,089 numerical characters (or 4,296 alphanumeric characters) or 2,953 bytes. The QR Code standard supports all QR Code family features, including Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI), Structured Append Mode, and etc.

The Micro QR Code standard allows encoding at most 35 numerical (21 alphanumeric) or 15 bytes. Micro QR Code is used to generate barcodes of reasonably small size; at the same time, to enable such a possibility, it does not support Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI), does not support encoding Unicode symbols and does not support Structured Append Mode. Specifically, the M1 version allows encoding only 5 numerical digits, while M2 can encode 10 numerical or 6 alphanumeric symbols. This capacity may be sufficient to encode particular industrial markers.

The Rectangular Micro QR Code (rMQR) standard allows for the encoding of a maximum of 361 numerical characters (or 219 alphanumeric characters) or 150 bytes. The rMQR Code specifically designed for generating rectangular barcodes that can be applied to surfaces with limited height, such as test tubes. The rMQR Code standard does not support Structured Append Mode.

The key features of QR codes are summarized below:

  • very high barcode recognition speed owing to geometrical specifics
  • barcode reading capability under severe 3D distortions
  • encoding byte streams of data
  • encoding Unicode symbols using ECI (is not valid for Micro QR Code)
  • high data encoding density
  • customizable error correction that allows recovering up to 30% of the barcode data at the maximal level H

However, QR Code barcodes are sensitive to substantial damages of a target pattern as they can hinder barcode detection in the scanned image.

Layout Settings

To define the size of the barcode, it is necessary to initialize the properties QrVersion, MicroQrVersion, or RectMicroQrVersion of the QrParameters class for QR Code, Micro QR Code, and Rectangular Micro QR Code barcodes, respectively. The QrVersion property can have values of Auto or from Version01 to Version40, the MicroQrVersion property can have values of Auto or from M1 to M4, and the RectMicroQrVersion property can have values of Auto or from R7x43 to R17x139. When using the Auto option, the size of the barcode will be automatically selected based on the data size.

The code sample and barcode images below are provided to illustrate how to generate QR Code barcodes of various sizes.

Size Setting Mode



How to get BarCodeInstance

var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
// Auto (by default)
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Set QR version 05
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.QrVersion = BarCodeInstance.QRVersion.Version05;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

Micro QR Code Size Settings

The code sample and barcode images below are provided to illustrate how to generate Micro QR Code barcodes of various sizes.

Size Setting Mode


Version M4

How to get BarCodeInstance

var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("MicroQR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
// Auto (by default)
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Set MicroQR M4 version
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("MicroQR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.MicroQRVersion = BarCodeInstance.MicroQRVersion.M4;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

Rectangular Micro QR Code Size Settings

The code sample and barcode images below are provided to illustrate how to generate Rectangular Micro QR Code barcodes of various sizes.

Size Setting Mode


Version R11x77

How to get BarCodeInstance

var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("RectMicroQR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
// Auto (by default)
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Set RectMicroQR R11x77 version
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("RectMicroQR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.RectMicroQrVersion = BarCodeInstance.RectMicroQRVersion.R11x77;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

Data Encoding Modes

Aspose.BarCode for JavaScript via C++ supports several common data encoding modes, including the Unicode standard. To set the desired encoding mode, initialize the QrEncodeMode property of the QrParameters class. This property can take the following values:

  • Auto: In Auto mode, the CodeText is encoded with maximum data compactness. This is the default value.
  • Binary: The Binary mode is used to encode binary data with maximum data compactness.
  • ECI: The Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) mode indicates that the encoded data is interpreted according to the ECI protocol defined by the AIM ECI Specifications.
  • Extended: The Extended mode offers flexible encoding controls and allows for manually specifying the encoding for a part of the CodeText.

Auto Mode

In Auto mode, the CodeText is encoded with maximum data compactness. Unicode characters are encoded in kanji mode if possible, or they are re-encoded using the encoding specified in the QrECIEncoding parameter, with an ECI identifier inserted. If a character that is not supported by the selected ECI encoding is found, an exception is thrown. By default, the QrECIEncoding property is set to ECIEncodings.UTF8 (ECI ID: “\000026”).

The following code sample demonstrates how to generate a QR Code barcode in Auto mode:

How to get BarCodeInstance

var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "Aspose常に先を行く");
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Attempt to recognize it
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "QR");
for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    var result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log("QrEncodeModeAuto:" + result.CodeText);

ECI Mode

The Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) mode indicates that the encoded data is interpreted according to the ECI protocol defined by the AIM ECI Specifications. When the ECI mode is selected, the entire CodeText is re-encoded using the encoding specified in the QrECIEncoding parameter, with an ECI identifier inserted. If a character is found that is not supported by the selected ECI encoding, an exception is thrown. By default, the QrECIEncoding property is set to ECIEncodings.UTF8 (ECI ID: “\000026”).

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the ECI mode:

How to get BarCodeInstance

var str = "ΑΒΓΔΕ";

var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", str);
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.QrEncodeMode = BarCodeInstance.QREncodeMode.ECI;
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.ECIEncoding = BarCodeInstance.ECIEncodings.ISO_8859_7;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

Extended Mode

Aspose.BarCode for JavaScript via C++ includes an Extended data encoding mode that offers flexible manual configuration for QR Code barcode generation. This mode supports features like multi-ECI mode and setting FNC symbols, which help detect and distinguish fields in variable-length application identifiers. Developers can create barcodes with extended text using the QrExtCodetextBuilder class. To modify the text shown under the barcode, set the TwoDDisplayText property.

The code snippet below demonstrates how to use the multi-encoding ECI mode in Extended mode.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Generate extended codetext
var textBuilder = new BarCodeInstance.QrExtCodetextBuilder();
textBuilder.AddECICodetext(BarCodeInstance.ECIEncodings.Win1251, "Aspose");
textBuilder.AddECICodetext(BarCodeInstance.ECIEncodings.UTF8, "常に先");
textBuilder.AddECICodetext(BarCodeInstance.ECIEncodings.UTF16BE, "を行く");

// Generate barcode
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", textBuilder.GetExtendedCodetext());
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.QrEncodeMode = BarCodeInstance.QREncodeMode.Extended;
gen.Parameters.Barcode.CodeTextParameters.TwoDDisplayText = "Extended mode";
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Attempt to recognize it
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "QR");
for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    var result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log("QrEncodeModeExtended:" + result.CodeText);

## **Error Correction Level Settings**

The QR Code family supports four levels of Reed-Solomon error correction. This mechanism adds redundant data to a barcode, allowing errors to be detected and corrected if the barcode is damaged. Typically, 2% redundancy is needed to recover 1% of errors.

The QR Code standards offer the following error correction levels:

Error Correction

Recovery Capacity

Supported Barcode Types

Level L 7% QR
Micro QR
Level M 15% QR
Rectangular Micro QR
Micro QR (versions M2 to M4)
Level Q 25% QR
Micro QR (version M4)
Level H 30% QR
Rectangular Micro QR

Error Correction Level

Is Set to L

Is Set to M

Is Set to Q

Is Set to H

The following code sample shows how to set the error correction level for generating a QR Code.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Create a new BarcodeGenerator instance for QR code generation
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "A QR code is a type of matrix barcode invented in 1994");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";

// Set error level L and save the QR code image
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.QrErrorLevel = BarCodeInstance.QRErrorLevel.LevelL;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display QR image

// Set error level M and save the QR code image
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "A QR code is a type of matrix barcode invented in 1994");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.QrErrorLevel = BarCodeInstance.QRErrorLevel.LevelM;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display QR image

// Set error level Q and save the QR code image
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "A QR code is a type of matrix barcode invented in 1994");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.QrErrorLevel = BarCodeInstance.QRErrorLevel.LevelQ;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display QR image

// Set error level H and save the QR code image
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "A QR code is a type of matrix barcode invented in 1994");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.QrErrorLevel = BarCodeInstance.QRErrorLevel.LevelH;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display QR image

Aspect Ratio Settings

Aspect Ratio refers to the relationship between the height and width of a barcode. To modify the proportions using the X and Y coordinates in Aspose.BarCode for JavaScript via C++, set the AspectRatio property in the QrParameters class. This property is a coefficient relative to the value of the XDimension parameter. By default, the AspectRatio value is set to 1. To change the proportions of generated QR Code barcodes, adjust the AspectRatio property.

The sample barcode images below illustrate the results of different aspect ratio settings.

Aspect Ratio

Is Set to 1

Is Set to 2

The following code snippet shows how to set the AspectRatio value for QR Code barcodes.

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Generate a QR code with Aspect Ratio set to 1
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.AspectRatio = 1;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Generate a QR code with Aspect Ratio set to 2
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("QR", "ASPOSE");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "4px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.AspectRatio = 2;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image
