Generate Swiss Post Parcel Barcodes in JavaScript


Swiss Post Parcel is a barcode type used by the Swiss Post to manage mail sending and shipping. Each parcel is assigned with a unique barcode that serves as an identifier in automatic parcel processing. This type is based on Code 128 (charsets B and C) and inherits its advantages, including obligatory checksum controls, high data density, and the support of laser scanning.

Swiss Post Parcel Barcode Subtypes

Swiss Post Parcel allows generating three types of barcodes:

  • Domestic Mail - a shipping identifier used to process postal and cargo shipments inside Switzerland. It is defined as an 18-digit code that starts with 98 or 99 and includes only a standard Code 128 checksum, e.g., “98.34.123456.12345678”. As seen, for convenience, codes are divided by dots into four fragments.
  • International Mail - a shipping identifier used for transnational shipments. It has the following format: LLXXXXXXXXCCH, where L denotes an uppercase English letter; X – a numerical digit from 0 to 9; C – a control digit; CH – the standard addition of two letters that remains unchanged. As seen, the code is protected by an additional checksum used together with the standard Code 128 check digit, e.g., “RM999605013CH”. The control checksum can be computed manually or automatically by the Aspose.BarCode for JavaScript via C++ library.
  • Additional Service Codes - different codes used to indicate additional services for a shipment and defined as 4-digit sets, e.g., “0327”. One shipment may include from 1 to 10 service codes. The library supports the service codes described in the table below.
Service Name Letter Abbreviation Service Code Number
Business reply label GAS 0203
Personal delivery RMP 0322
Return receipt AR 0327
Electronic return receipt eAR 0328
Cash on delivery (obsolete) - 0340
Electronic cash on delivery BLN 0341
ID Check ID+RMP 0470
Items for the blind CEC 0610
Military mail MIL 1007
Second attempted delivery on the following Saturday - 2512

Generate Swiss Post Parcel Barcodes

The code examples provided further demonstrate how to generate and read Swiss Post Parcel barcodes using the Aspose.BarCode for JavaScript via C++ library.

Domestic Mail

This example demonstrates how to generate Swiss Post Parcel barcodes for Domestic Mail. The Domestic Mail identifier can be passed in its original form or as an 18-digit code. Both options provide the same results for generation and recognition.

Domestic Mail Barcode With Original Identifier With 18-digit Code
Swiss Post Parcel Original Swiss Post Parcel Code

How to get BarCodeInstance

//generate a Swiss Post Domestic Mail barcode with the original identifier
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("SwissPostParcel", "98.34.123456.12345678");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage();

//read the current barcode value
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");
for(var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++)
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode type:${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data:${result.CodeText}`);


//generate a Swiss Post Domestic Mail barcode with the 18-digit code
gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("SwissPostParcel", "983412345612345678");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage();

//read the current barcode value
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");
for(var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++)
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode type:${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data:${result.CodeText}`);


International Mail

Generating Swiss Post Parcel Barcodes for International Mail

The following example demonstrates how to generate Swiss Post Parcel barcodes for International Mail:

  • If the postal shipping identifier contains an invalid checksum, the library will automatically correct it during barcode generation.
  • If the shipping identifier does not include a checksum digit, the library will create and add it automatically to the barcode.

Example Output

International Mail Barcode With Correct Checksum Without Checksum With Erroneous Checksum
Correct Checksum Without Checksum Erroneous Checksum

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Generate a Swiss Post International Mail barcode with a correct checksum
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("SwissPostParcel", "RM999605013CH");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage();

// Read the generated barcode
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");

for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode Type: ${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data: ${result.CodeText}`);


// Generate a Swiss Post International Mail barcode with an erroneous checksum
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("SwissPostParcel", "RM999605017CH");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage();

// Read the generated barcode
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");

for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode Type: ${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data: ${result.CodeText}`);


// Generate a Swiss Post International Mail barcode without a checksum
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("SwissPostParcel", "RM99960501CH");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage();

// Read the generated barcode
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");

for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode Type: ${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data: ${result.CodeText}`);


Additional Service Codes

This example demonstrates how to generate Swiss Post Parcel barcodes for indicating Additional Services required for postal shipments. These barcodes can be created in the Code 128 format. Additionally, a human-readable designation of the service can be manually added.

Additional Service Barcode As Swiss Post Parcel As Code 128
Swiss Post Parcel Additional Service With Original Identifier Swiss Post Parcel Additional Service As Code 128

How to get BarCodeInstance

// Additional Service codes:
// Personal delivery (RMP) 0322
// Return receipt (AR) 0327
// Cash on delivery (currently obsolete) 0340
// Electronic cash on delivery (BLN) 0341
// Items for the blind (CEC) 0610
// Military mail (MIL) 1007
// Second attempted delivery on the following Saturday 2512
// Electronic return receipt (eAR) 0328
// ID check (ID+RMP) 0470
// Business reply label (GAS) 0203

// Generate a Swiss Post Additional Service barcode
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("SwissPostParcel", "0327");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.CodeTextParameters.Location = BarCodeInstance.CodeLocation.None; // No code text display
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Visible = true;
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Alignment = BarCodeInstance.TextAlignment.Left; // Align text to the left
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Text = "AR"; // Display "AR" above the barcode
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Font.Size = "24px";
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Font.Style = BarCodeInstance.FontStyle.Bold;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Read the current barcode value
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");
for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode Type: ${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data: ${result.CodeText}`);


How to get BarCodeInstance

// Additional Service codes:
// Personal delivery (RMP) 0322
// Return receipt (AR) 0327
// Cash on delivery (currently obsolete) 0340
// Electronic cash on delivery (BLN) 0341
// Items for the blind (CEC) 0610
// Military mail (MIL) 1007
// Second attempted delivery on the following Saturday 2512
// Electronic return receipt (eAR) 0328
// ID check (ID+RMP) 0470
// Business reply label (GAS) 0203

// Generate a Swiss Post Additional Service barcode
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("SwissPostParcel", "0327");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.CodeTextParameters.Location = BarCodeInstance.CodeLocation.None; // No code text display
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Visible = true;
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Alignment = BarCodeInstance.TextAlignment.Left; // Align text to the left
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Text = "AR"; // Display "AR" above the barcode
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Font.Size = "24px";
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Font.Style = BarCodeInstance.FontStyle.Bold;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Read the current barcode value
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");
for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode Type: ${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data: ${result.CodeText}`);


// Generate a Swiss Post Additional Service barcode in the form of Code 128
var gen = new BarCodeInstance.BarcodeGenerator("Code128", "0327");
gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension = "2px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight = "40px";
gen.Parameters.Barcode.CodeTextParameters.Location = BarCodeInstance.CodeLocation.None; // No code text display
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Visible = true;
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Alignment = BarCodeInstance.TextAlignment.Left; // Align text to the left
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Text = "AR"; // Display "AR" above the barcode
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Font.Size = "24px";
gen.Parameters.CaptionAbove.Font.Style = BarCodeInstance.FontStyle.Bold;
document.getElementById("img").src = gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(); // Display barcode image

// Read the current barcode value
var reader = new BarCodeInstance.BarCodeReader(gen.GenerateBarCodeImage(), "SwissPostParcel");
for (var i = 0; i < reader.FoundCount; i++) {
    const result = reader.FoundBarCodes(i);
    console.log(`Barcode Type: ${result.CodeType}, Barcode Data: ${result.CodeText}`);
