Aspose.CAD for Java 19.2 - Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CADJAVA-133 | Support for exporting DWG to SVG format | Feature |
CADJAVA-471 | Convert/Export images to DXF file formates | Feature |
CADJAVA-472 | Support export to layered PDF | Feature |
CADJAVA-477 | Distinguish between DWT and DWG formats from provided drawing stream | Feature |
CADJAVA-419 | VERTEX, SEQEND Cad060 | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-427 | Verify reading of CadLeader for DWG | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-418 | HATCH Boundary Path Data Group code 93 | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-416 | DWG to PDF not properly converted | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-394 | DWG to PDF not properly converted | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-155 | Writing tests for reading SummaryInfo | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-121 | Exception when converting DWG to PDF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-405 | Cad3DSolid not all data loaded | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-117 | CadStringParameter values missing | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-36 | Converting DXF to PDF is showing empty pages in PDF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-39 | Converting DXF to PNG is not generating the correct output | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-417 | BLOCK_RECORD and BLOCK. not loaded block name | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-415 | XRECORD groups code 1-369 | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-406 | Exception on loading DWF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-473 | DWF file not properly converted to PDF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-137 | When DXF or DWG is converted to PDF, output is blank | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-420 | Add MLINESTYLE | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-403 | Loading CadPolyline3D from DWG | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-408 | LAYER not set group code 390 | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-430 | VIEW. Not set name of view | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-466 | Port Aspose.CAD 19.2 to Java | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-162 | DWG file not properly converted to PDF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-201 | Investigate PlaneSurface entity for DWG format | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-206 | FIPs Compliant version of Bouncy Castle usage in APIs | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-358 | Image load exception on loading DWF file | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-35 | DXF to PDF conversion is producing empty pages | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-351 | DWG not properly converted to PDF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-352 | Option for setting locale in application | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-412 | HATCH not set group codes 421, 463, 63 | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-468 | Exporting DWG with single page to PDF results in multiple pages | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-469 | Exception on exporting 3D DXF to PDF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-423 | LAYER name wrong encoding | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-470 | CAD to PDF: Resultant PDF is corrupted & empty | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-157 | DWG not properly converted to PDF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-49 | Implement size estimation for 3D drawings | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-479 | ImageLoadException on loading DXF | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-475 | Implement InsertionPoint reading for all types of Dimensions for DXF/DWG format | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-476 | Exception on loading CAD | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-478 | ImageLoadException on loading DWG | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-480 | ImageLoadException: Image loading failed while loading a multi-page Tiff image | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-413 | MSJDK does not draw bezier curves | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-429 | LTYPE Pointer to STYLE object | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-424 | Not loaded UNDERLAYDEFINITION objects | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-395 | Section LAYOUT not set group codes 331 and 330 | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-398 | Section STYLE. Wrong value for the groups code 70 | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-341 | Exception on converting DWG to PNG | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-431 | The name of the UCS not read from DWG | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-397 | Section SEQEND not correctly located | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-399 | Wrong codes in the HEADERS sections | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-421 | ACSH_HISTORY_CLASS not all values loaded | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-464 | ArgumentException when loading image under Mono | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-393 | Memory usage issue | Enhancement |
CADJAVA-153 | Get model area & font rendering | Enhancement |
Added APIs:
Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadAcdsList Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadAcdsTypeName Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadAcdsData Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadAcdsRecord Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadAcdsSchema Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadBaseAcds Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadGraphicsDataContainer Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR010 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR012 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR014 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR015 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR021 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR0221 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR0222 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR025 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR026 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR10 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR11 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR13 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR14 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR2000 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR2004 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR2007 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR2010 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR2013 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormat.dwtCadR9 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadAcadVersion.aC1027 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadAcadVersion.aC1032 Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadAcdsTypeName.aCDSDATA Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadAcdsTypeName.aCDSRECORD Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadAcdsTypeName.aCDSSCHEMA Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadAcdsTypeName.nONE Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadEntityTypeName.gRAPHICSDATACONTAINER Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadConsts.cadSectionType.aCDSDATA Field/Enum com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadEntityAttribute.cad101 Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadAcdsList.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadAcdsList.clone Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadAcdsData.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadAcdsRecord.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadAcdsSchema.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadBaseAcds.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadGraphicsDataContainer.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.dxfWriter.writeAcds(com.aspose.cad.streamContainer,com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadImage) Method com.aspose.cad.image.getAttributeValue(System.string) Method com.aspose.cad.xmp.xmpPackage.setValue(System.string,[1] ) Property com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadImage.cadAcds Property com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadBaseAcds.childObjects Property com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadBaseAcds.typeName Property com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.cadMText.fullText Property com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.ifc.ifcImage.attributes Property com.aspose.cad.image.attributes
Removed APIs:
Class com.aspose.cad.extensions.fileFormatExtensions Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.underlayDefinition.cadPdfUnderlayDefinition Method com.aspose.cad.extensions.fileFormatExtensions.isSingleFormatDefined(com.aspose.cad.fileFormat) Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.underlayDefinition.cadPdfUnderlayDefinition.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.xmp.xmpPackage.setValue(System.string,) Class com.aspose.cad.extensions.fileFormatExtensions Class com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.underlayDefinition.cadPdfUnderlayDefinition Method com.aspose.cad.extensions.fileFormatExtensions.isSingleFormatDefined(com.aspose.cad.fileFormat) Method com.aspose.cad.fileFormats.cad.cadObjects.underlayDefinition.cadPdfUnderlayDefinition.#ctor Method com.aspose.cad.xmp.xmpPackage.setValue(System.string,)
Usage examples:
CADJAVA-477 Distinguish between DWT and DWG formats from provided drawing stream
String fileName2 = "Sample.dwg";
String fileName3 = "sample.dwt";
String fileName4 = "sample.dxf";
long formatType2 = Image.getFileFormat(GetFileFromDesktop(fileName2));
Assert.IsTrue(formatType2 >= FileFormat.CadR010 && formatType2 <= FileFormat.CadR2013);
long formatType3 = Image.getFileFormat(GetFileFromDesktop(fileName3));
Assert.IsTrue(formatType2 >= FileFormat.DwtCadR010 && formatType2 <= FileFormat.DwtCadR2013);
long formatType4 = Image.getFileFormat(GetFileFromDesktop(fileName4));
Assert.IsTrue(formatType2 >= FileFormat.DXFCadR010 && formatType2 <= FileFormat.DXFCadR2013);
CADJAVA-471 Convert/Export images to DXF file formates
- Set new font
- Hide entities
- Update text
for (File file : (new File(filesDir)).listFiles(new MaskedFileFilter("*.dxf")))
Save(file.getAbsolutePath(), FileFormat.Pdf, file.getAbsolutePath() + "_etalon.pdf");
// ****************************
// Set new font per document
// ****************************
CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Image.load(file.getAbsolutePath());
for (Object __dummyForeachVar0 : cadImage.getStyles())
// Iterate over the items of CadStyleTableObject
CadStyleTableObject style = (CadStyleTableObject)__dummyForeachVar0;
// Set font name
} + "_font.dxf");
Save(file.getAbsolutePath() + "_font.dxf", FileFormat.Pdf, file.getAbsolutePath() + "_font.pdf");
// ****************************
// Hide all "straight" lines
// ****************************
cadImage = (CadImage)Image.load(file.getAbsolutePath());
for (CadBaseEntity entity : cadImage.getEntities())
// Make lines invisible
if (entity.getTypeName() == CadEntityTypeName.LINE)
} + "_lines.dxf");
Save(file.getAbsolutePath() + "_lines.dxf", FileFormat.Pdf, file.getAbsolutePath() + "_lines.pdf");
// ****************************
// Manipulations with text
// ****************************
cadImage = (CadImage)Image.load(file.getAbsolutePath());
for (CadBaseEntity entity : cadImage.getEntities())
if (entity.getTypeName() == CadEntityTypeName.TEXT)
((CadText)entity).setDefaultValue("New text here!!! :)");
} + "_text.dxf");
Save(file.getAbsolutePath() + "_text.dxf", FileFormat.Pdf, file.getAbsolutePath() + "_text.pdf");