Aspose.CAD for .NET 21.2 - Release Notes

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Key Summary Category
CADNET-1124 Implement IFC4 support Feature
CADNET-1352 Fix Torus export to 3D format Enhancement
CADNET-1315 Text objects is not exporting from ifc image. Enhancement
CADNET-1313 Improve moving of hatch origin point Enhancement
CADNET-1291 Implement functionality allows to extract all text from underlying drawing Enhancement
CADNET-1359 Exception on exporting DXF with special symbols to PDF Enhancement
CADNET-1344 “Image loading failed: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter ‘index’)” exception when open document DXF file Enhancement
CADNET-1338 Not all layers are rendered in specific CAD file Enhancement
CADNET-1333 Exception on saving OBJ to GIF Enhancement
CADNET-1328 “Image export failed. The given key ‘bylayer’ was not present in the dictionary.” exception when rendering to PNG DXF file Enhancement
CADNET-1326 “Image loading failed: Index was out of range.” exception when rendering DXF file Enhancement
CADNET-1312 Freezes on document load Enhancement
CADNET-1302 “Image export failed. The given key ‘bylayer’ was not present in the dictionary.” exception when rendering to HTML DXF file Enhancement
CADNET-1296 “Image loading failed: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.” exception when open document DWF file Enhancement
CADNET-1287 Problems with export to DWF Enhancement
CADNET-1246 The height dimension is zero for DWF drawing Enhancement
CADNET-1232 “Image loading failed: Unknown hoops operation code” exception when open document DWF file. Reason for reopening: the image after export differs from the original one. Enhancement
CADNET-1360 Hide layers from printing DXF to PDF Enhancement