Aspose.CAD for .NET 22.12 - Release Notes

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Key Summary Category
CADNET-8909 DXF -> JPEG ArgumentOutOfRangeException Enhancement
CADNET-8902 Aspose.CAD throwing exception in Docker Container for windows Enhancement
CADNET-8901 Add tolerance symbols for SHX support Enhancement
CADNET-8896 Missing lines during DWG ->PDF Enhancement
CADNET-8880 Converting complex dwg to pdf Enhancement
CADNET-8879 Add support for MTEXT fonts in line for SHX Enhancement
CADNET-8860 The file ‘Campus All.dxf’ (test CADNET-1021) is exported incorrectly after the changes made when solving the CADNET-8713 problem. Enhancement
CADNET-8853 DXF to PDF Conversion Error Enhancement
CADNET-8820 DWG to PDF Missing Logo Enhancement
CADNET-8799 MicroStation to PDF discrepancies Enhancement
CADNET-8734 GetLayerName function ‘~’ to ‘_’ issues Enhancement
CADNET-1185 File rendering hangs and memory load is large Enhancement
CADNET-8917 Implement writing properties of CadDimAssoc and CadDiametricDimension objects Feature
CADNET-8913 Implement writing properties of CadRadialDimension and CadDiametricDimension objects Feature
CADNET-8910 Implement writing properties of CadDimensionOrdinate object Feature
CADNET-8856 Implement writing properties of Mesh and Solid objects Feature
CADNET-8846 Implement writing properties of CadText and CadMText objects Feature
CADNET-8845 Implement writing properties of Cad3DFace and CadPoint objects Feature
CADNET-8838 Implement writing properties of CadWipeout and CadWipeoutVariables objects Feature
CADNET-8834 Implement writing properties of CadRay and CadXLine objects Feature
CADNET-8826 Implement reading and writing of the CadRapidRtRenderSettings object Feature
CADNET-8824 Implement writing properties of CadPolygonMesh and CadPolygonMeshVertex objects Feature
CADNET-8819 Implement writing properties of CadPolyFaceMesh and CadFaceRecord objects Feature