Aspose.Cells for CPP 18.4 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSCPP-53 Support Drawing features/modules    New Feature 
CELLSCPP-57 Implement System.Drawing library New Feature 
CELLSCPP-68 Debug System.Drawing module   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-69 Solve problems in C++ test cases   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-70 Solve memory leakage in classes of System.Drawing module   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-73 Write a method in publishing .h files   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-75 Implement C++ function: Draw Image from Stream   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-76 Implement C++ classes: ComIStreamWrapper, Metafile    New Feature 
CELLSCPP-77 Debug C++ test case: Copies    New Feature 
CELLSCPP-78 Solve problems in C++ test cases: DigitalSignature, EnumTypes, Finds, Formulas, Hyperlinks modules   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-79 Solve the link problem of C++ release version New Feature 
CELLSCPP-81 Fix FillPath issue in graphic module  New Feature 
CELLSCPP-82 Fix System.Drawing module issue by test case New Feature 
CELLSCPP-83 Fix gppoint FillPath issue in graphic module  New Feature 
CELLSCPP-89 Translate and debug test case in Charts/EnumTypes directory New Feature 
CELLSCPP-91 Translate test case in Finds  New Feature 
CELLSCPP-96 Translate and debug test case in Formulas/Hyperlinks/ImpHtml/ImportExports/Inserts directory   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-97 Debug and fix issues regarding XLSX/XLS to PDF rendering New Feature 
CELLSCPP-98 Translate and debug test case in LightCells directory   New Feature 
CELLSCPP-100 Translate and debug test case in Merges/OpenSaves/PageSetups/PDF directory New Feature 
CELLSCPP-101 Translate and debug test case in PivotTables directory New Feature 
CELLSCPP-102 Charts are not parsed (retained) when open/save an XLSX file format  New Feature 
CELLSCPP-103 Translate and debug test case in Shapes directory New Feature 
CELLSCPP-105 Translate and debug test case in XlsxTest directory New Feature 
CELLSCPP-108 Open files and check charts related issues New Feature 
CELLSCPP-106 Memory leakage issue  Bug 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for C++. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Renames all methods like ‘SetIs’ to ‘Set’ methods**

Renames methods, such as, SetIsOutlineShown to SetIsOutlineShown, SetIsSelected to SetSelected in IWorksheet and so on. For more detail, see API Reference guide.

Changes Color to System::Drawing::Color

For example, it changes Color::GetBlue() to System::Drawing::Color::GetBlue(). Since Color is ambiguous symbol here, it might be Aspose::Cells::System::Drawing::Color or Gdiplus::Color. To use Color in Aspose Cells, you have to add namespace System::Drawing.

Renames ICells::AddRange to AddIRange

Adds a range object reference to cells.

Renames ICells::ApplyColumnStyle to ApplyColumnIStyle

Applies formatting for a whole column.

Renames ICells::ApplyRowStyle to ApplyRowIStyle

Applies formatting for a whole row.

Renames ICells::ApplyStyle to ApplyIStyle

Applies formatting for a whole worksheet.

Renames ICells::CopyColumn to CopyIColumn

Copies data and formatting of a whole column.

Renames ICells::CopyColumns to CopyIColumns

Copies data and formatting of specified columns.

Renames ICells::CopyColumns to CopyIColumns

Copies data and formatting of specified columns.

Renames ICells::CopyRow to CopyIRow

Copies data and formatting of a whole row.

Renames ICells::CopyRows to CopyIRows

Copies data and formatting of specified rows.

Renames ICells::MoveRange to MoveIRange

Moves the range to destination postion.

Renames ICells::InsertRange to InsertIRange

Inserts a range of cells and shifts cells according to the shift option.

Renames IColumn::ApplyStyle to ApplyIStyle

Applies formatting for a whole column.

Renames IErrorCheckOption::AddRange to AddIRange

Adds an influenced range by this setting.

Renames IRange::ApplyStyle to ApplyIStyle

Applies formatting for a whole range.

Renames IRow::ApplyStyle to ApplyIStyle

Applies formatting for a whole row.

Renames IPivotField::GetNumberFormat to Get_NumberFormat

Represents the custom display format of numbers and dates. Since the method name GetNumberFormat conflicts with Windows system function, so we have to rename it. 

Renames IStyleFlag::GetNumberFormat to Get_NumberFormat

Since the method name GetNumberFormat conflicts with Windows system function, so we have to rename it which represents to get the Number format setting.

Renames IWorkbook::CopyTheme to CopyITheme

Copies the theme from another workbook.

Renames IWorksheet::SetBackground to SetBackgroundImage

Sets worksheet’s background image.