Aspose.Cells for CPP 18.8 Release Notes

Key  Summary  Category 
CELLSCPP-177  Save chart to image  New Feature
CELLSCPP-123  Issue with glyph hashtable  Bug
CELLSCPP-128  Issue with regex split  Bug
CELLSCPP-129  Shape text missing right parenthesis Bug
CELLSCPP-130  Issue with time format for chart axis scale Bug
CELLSCPP-131  Pie 3D chart missing sides Bug
CELLSCPP-136  Issue with NumberFormatC::FormatCustom   Bug
CELLSCPP-138  Issue with button fill color  Bug
CELLSCPP-140  Pie missing leader line  Bug
CELLSCPP-141  Issue with datatime format  Bug
CELLSCPP-142  Issue with missing datalabel in chart Bug
CELLSCPP-143  Issue with convert::ToInt64   Bug
CELLSCPP-144  Issue with incorrect data point position Bug
CELLSCPP-148  Issue with gradient line color  Bug
CELLSCPP-149  Manual recoding SimpleDateFormatter Bug
CELLSCPP-150  Issue with GradientFillChart   Bug
CELLSCPP-151  Category axis scale missing Bug
CELLSCPP-152  Issue with missing pie slice   Bug
CELLSCPP-153  Issue with gradient fill color   Bug
CELLSCPP-155  One dot added in Russian date Bug
CELLSCPP-156  Data label missing in chart Bug
CELLSCPP-157  DateTime formatting issue Bug
CELLSCPP-158  Issue with array reverse  Bug
CELLSCPP-159  Issue with static variable translation  Bug
CELLSCPP-160  Text error in shape Bug
CELLSCPP-161  Texture filling with incorrect image size Bug
CELLSCPP-163  Issue with time scale   Bug
CELLSCPP-164  Remove dot from the end in Russian date format Bug
CELLSCPP-165  Russian datetime format issue Bug
CELLSCPP-166  Issue with Korean datetime    Bug
CELLSCPP-170  Issue with incorrect datatime format Bug
CELLSCPP-171  Memory leakage issue Bug
CELLSCPP-173  Null pointer crashed while saving to image Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for C++. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.