Grouping, Ungrouping Rows and Columns


In a Microsoft Excel file, you can create an outline for the data to let you show and hide levels of detail with a single mouse click.

Click the Outline Symbols, 1,2,3, + and - to quickly display only the rows or columns that provide summaries or headings for sections in a worksheet, or you can use the symbols to see details under an individual summary or heading.

Group Management of Rows & Columns

Aspose.Cells provides a class, IWorkbook that represents a Microsoft Excel file. The IWorkbook class contains a IWorksheets collection that allows access to each worksheet in the Excel file. A worksheet is represented by the IWorksheet class. The IWorksheet class provides an ICells collection that represents all cells in the worksheet.

The ICells collection provides several methods to manage rows or columns in a worksheet, few of these are discussed below in more detail.

Grouping Rows & Columns

It is possible to group rows or columns by calling the GroupRows and GroupColumns methods of the ICells collection. Both methods take the following parameters:

  • The first row/column index, the first row or column in the group.
  • The last row/column index, the last row or column in the group.
  • Is hidden, a Boolean parameter that specifies whether to hide rows/columns after grouping or not.

Group Settings

Microsoft Excel allows you to configure group settings for displaying:

  • Summary rows below detail.
  • Summary columns to the right of detail.

Ungrouping Rows & Columns

To ungroup any grouped rows or columns, call the ICells collection’s UngroupRows and UngroupColumns methods. Both methods take two parameters:

  • The first row or column index, the first row/column to be ungrouped.
  • The last row or column index, the last row/column to be ungrouped.