
Installing Aspose.Cells for C++ in Windows

Using Nuget Package Manager

  1. In Nuget Package Manager, search for Aspose.Cells. 
    1. Here is the Link to NuGet Package Aspose.Cells.Cpp.
  2. Refer to [Install Aspose Cells through NuGet] for details.(  

You can also download ZIP package from the Aspose.Cells for C++ download page. The archive also contains the offline API documentation.

Using Include and lib Folders

  1. Download/Install the latest files.
  2. Unzip the folder to the production environment.
  3. To use Aspose.Cells for C++, reference “Include” and “lib” directory in your project.

Installing Aspose.Cells for C++ in Linux

  1. Download Aspose.Cells for C++ from the following page: Download Aspose.Cells for C++(Linux)
  2. Unzip the package and you will find a Demo which is on how to use Aspose.Cells for C++ for Linux.
  3. Run “cd Demo” in your Linux command line
  4. Run “rm -rf build;mkdir build;cd build”
  5. Run “cmake ..” will create a Makefile by CMakeLists.txt in Demo folder
  6. Run “make” to compile
  7. Run “./demo” you will see the result