Names and Indices

Get Cell Name from Row and Column Indices

It is possible to find a cell’s name given the row and column index. This article explains how. Aspose.Cells provides the ICellsHelper.CellIndexToName_i method which allows developers to get a cell’s name if they provide the row and column index.

The following sample code illustrates how to use ICellsHelper.CellIndexToName_i to access the a cell’s name given a known row and column index. The code generates the following output.

Get Row and Column Indices from Cell Name

It is possible to find a row and column index of the cell from its name. This article explains how. Aspose.Cells provides the ICellsHelper.CellNameToIndex_i method which allows developers to get a row and column index from the cell’s name.

The following sample code illustrates how to use CellsHelper.CellNameToIndex to get the row and column index from the cell’s name. The code generates the following output.