Konvertieren in MHTML-Dateien in Python
Aspose.Cells - Umwandlung in MHTML
Um Worksheet in eine MHTML-Datei mit Aspose.Cells for Java in Python zu konvertieren, rufen Sie einfach worksheet auf_zu_mhtml()-Methode des Converter-Moduls.
Python Code
saveFormat = self.SaveFormat
# Specify the file path
filePath = self.dataDir + "Book1.xlsx"
# Specify the HTML saving options
sv = self.HtmlSaveOptions(saveFormat.M_HTML)
# Instantiate a workbook and open the template XLSX file
wb = self.Workbook(filePath)
# Save the MHT file
wb.save(filePath + ".out.mht", sv)
\# Print message
print "Excel to MHTML conversion performed successfully."
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