Öffnen von Dateien in Python

Aspose.Cells - Öffnen von Dateien in Python

Um eine Datei mit Aspose.Cells Java in Python zu öffnen, rufen Sie einfach die Methode openfile() der Klasse Document auf und geben Sie das zweite Dokument an, das am Ende angehängt werden soll.

Python Code

 fileFormatType = self.FileFormatType

\# 1. Opening from path

\# Creatin an Workbook object with an Excel file path

workbook1 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1.xls")

print "Workbook opened using path successfully.";

\# 2 Opening workbook from stream

# Create a Stream object

fstream = self.FileInputStream(self.dataDir + "Book2.xls")

# Creating an Workbook object with the stream object

workbook2 = self.Workbook(fstream)


print ("Workbook opened using stream successfully.");

\# 3.

\# Opening Microsoft Excel 97 Files

# Createing and EXCEL_97_TO_2003 LoadOptions object

loadOptions1 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.EXCEL_97_TO_2003)

# Creating an Workbook object with excel 97 file path and the loadOptions object

workbook3 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book_Excel97_2003.xls", loadOptions1)

\# Print message

print("Excel 97 Workbook opened successfully.");

\# 4.

\# Opening Microsoft Excel 2007 XLSX Files

# Createing and XLSX LoadOptions object

loadOptions2 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.XLSX)

# Creating an Workbook object with 2007 xlsx file path and the loadOptions object

workbook4 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book_Excel2007.xlsx", loadOptions2)

\# Print message

print ("Excel 2007 Workbook opened successfully.")

\# 5.

\# Opening SpreadsheetML Files

# Creating and EXCEL_2003_XML LoadOptions object

loadOptions3 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.EXCEL_2003_XML)

# Creating an Workbook object with SpreadsheetML file path and the loadOptions object

workbook5 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book3.xml", loadOptions3)

\# Print message

print ("SpreadSheetML format workbook has been opened successfully.");

\# 6.

\# Opening CSV Files

# Creating and CSV LoadOptions object

loadOptions4 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.CSV)

# Creating an Workbook object with CSV file path and the loadOptions object

workbook6 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book_CSV.csv", loadOptions4)

\# Print message

print ("CSV format workbook has been opened successfully.")

\# 7.

\# Opening Tab Delimited Files

\# Creating and TAB_DELIMITED LoadOptions object

loadOptions5 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.TAB_DELIMITED);

\# Creating an Workbook object with Tab Delimited text file path and the loadOptions object

workbook7 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1TabDelimited.txt", loadOptions5)

\# Print message

print("<br />");

print ("Tab Delimited workbook has been opened successfully.");

\# 8.

\# Opening Encrypted Excel Files

\# Creating and EXCEL_97_TO_2003 LoadOptions object

loadOptions6 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.EXCEL_97_TO_2003)

\# Setting the password for the encrypted Excel file


\# Creating an Workbook object with file path and the loadOptions object

workbook8 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "encryptedBook.xls", loadOptions6)

\# Print message

print("<br />");

print ("Encrypted workbook has been opened successfully.");

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