Trova valore in Cells
Aspose.Cells - Trova valore in Cells
In Microsoft Excel, gli utenti possono cercare celle che contengono dati specifici. Ad esempio, facendo clicModificaree poiTrovaapre la finestra di dialogo Cerca. Gli utenti immettono un valore e fanno clicOKper cercarlo. Excel evidenzia i campi corrispondenti.
//Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook("../../data/test.xlsx");
//Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Finding the cell containing the specified formula
Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;
//Instantiate FindOptions
FindOptions findOptions = new FindOptions();
//Finding the cell containing a string value that starts with "Or"
findOptions.LookAtType = LookAtType.StartWith;
Cell cell = cells.Find("SH", null, findOptions);
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
Console.WriteLine("Name of the cell containing String: " + cell.Name);
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