Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 18.3 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-42493 Provide an option to decide whether exporting workbook properties New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42491 Provide an option to decide whether exporting document properties New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42498 Create a PdfBookmarkEntry for a chart sheet New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42509 Add LoadDataFilterOptions.NAMES constant to filter defined names when loading workbook New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42519 PdfSaveOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler is needed just like ImageOrPrintOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42543 Extract label name that can be set for Package Objects embedded in Excel file New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42510 Observe very slow filtering in Microsoft Excel 2013 and 2016 when filter is applied Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42464 Fix needed for all ActiveX controls Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42490 Exclude unused styles when exporting Excel file to HTML (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42471)  Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42529 How to identify worksheet shapes via DrawObjectEventHandler Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42558 Unable to access horizontal category axis labels items Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42473 Parts of images are truncated or missing and they do not match with original source images Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42469 Image protrudes from the shape in the output PDF  Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42461 Element shape is incorrect in the output HTML Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42495 Excel to Html - Wrapping text is ignored Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42489 XLSB file gets corrupt after opening and saving Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42487 HTML output discrepancy - Issue with spaces Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42471 Irrelevant data included when saving to HTML  Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42467 XLSB corrupted after re-saving Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42488 15 digits numbers do not match what is in MS Excel Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42499 Margins and layout differences when comparing the output PDF (by Aspose.Cells) with the MS Excel generated PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42486 Feature does not work in Java - ResultSet Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42497 Sheet1 shapes are lost and Stars in Sheet2 are rounded Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42512 Invalid encoding - Exception occurs on loading the Excel file Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42507 Macro and Dialog sheets are detected as regular worksheets Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42503 MS Excel does not allow to save XLS file again Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42502 Aspose.Cells is not filtering data correctly instead it hides all the rows Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42552 Output HTML does not match with Excel Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42536 Excel files corrupted after open/save by Aspose.Cells APIs Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42513 Extra columns are coming at the end of each row in the output HTML for a range Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42542 Excel file is corrupted and have some cells changed after saving Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42524 Calculation errors are present in the hidden sheet namely KD020 Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42514 ImportTableOptions.setInsertRows() is not working while importing the ResultSet to worksheet Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42505 Comments attached to the cells (in the template file) are not shown when importing the Excel file into GridWeb Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42520 Inconsistent cell coordinates reported by ImageOrPrintOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42518 Borders of rows are misaligned in the output PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42561 X-Axis scale is incorrect in PNG output of Excel chart Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42556 Rendering of the chart is not correct in the output PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42547 Chart is replaced with Red X when converting XLSX to ODS Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42546 Images lost when converting ODS to XLSX Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42538 Properties are not extracted from XLS and XLSX files Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42534 Saving XLS to XLSB removes allowEditRanges Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42533 Exception “NullPointerException” occurred when extracting SmartArt shape text Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42532 Article Code - Control External Resources using WorkbookSetting.StreamProvider - does not work for Java Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42525 Article Code - Specify Formula Fields while Importing Data to Worksheet - does not work for Java Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42521 Chinese characters in embedded file name (title) is not well-displayed in notepad Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42545 Exception “ReadElementString only could be called when the content is simple or empty” when loading an ODS file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42500 NullPointerException occurs while loading the MS Excel file Exception
CELLSJAVA-42526 Error in Cell B4-Invalid formula - exception occurs on setting formula Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42522 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException upon opening file via Aspose.Cells Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42517 Exception “com.aspose.cells.CellsException: Invalid formula:” when loading an ODS file Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords property

Inidicates whether parsing pivot cached records when loadiing the file.The default value is false.Only applies to Excel Xlsx, Xltx, Xltm, Xlsm and Xlsb file formats.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles property

Indicates whether excluding unused styles.The default value is false. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties property

Indicates whether exporting document properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetProperties property

Indicates whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorkbookProperties property

Indicates whether exporting workbook properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds PivotTable.GetChildren() method

Gets the the children Pivot Tables which use this PivotTable data as data source.

Adds LoadDataFilterOptions.DefinedNames enum

Inidicates whether loading defined Name objects when loading template file.

Changes the behavior of LoadDataFilterOptions.Formula enum

In older versions we always load defined Name objects when loading formulas. Now we provide separate enum for defined Name objects explicitly, so Formula enum will only denote that formulas should be loaded now, no matter the defined Name objects will be loaded or not. However, one thing should be noted, commonly defined Name objects are used by formulas, if user only loads formulas and does not load the defined Name objects, the cell formula which refers to those Names will become corrupted and may cause Exception. So, generally if user wants to load formulas, the defined Name objects should be loaded too. But user can load only defined Name objects without loading formulas.

Add SheetType.Dialog enum

Represents dialog sheet.

Adds WorkbookSettings.MaxRowsOfSharedFormula property

Gets and sets the max row number of shared formula. The shared formula will be split to several shared formula if the total rows of shared formula is greater than it.

Adds WorkbookSettings.StreamProvider property

Gets and sets the stream provider for external resource.

Adds ShapeTextAlignment.IsAutoMargin property

Indicates whether the margin of the text frame is atuomatic.

Adds ImportTableOptions.IsFormulas property

Represents which column in the datatable should be imported as formulas.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSimilarBorderStyle property

Indicates whether exporting the similar border style when the border style is not supported by browsers. If you want to import the HTML or MHT file to Excel, please keep the default value. The default value is false.

Adds Axis.AxisLabels property

Gets the labels of the axis after calling Chart.Calculate() method.

Adds ChartType.Map enum

Represents the map chart.

Adds OleObject.Label property

Gets and sets the display label of the linked Ole Object.

Adds BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.DocumentVersion property

Represents the version of the file.

Adds StyleFlag.QuotePrefix enum

Indicates whether applying the style’s QuotePrefix property.

Adds DialogBox class

Represents the dialog box sheet.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler property

Gets and sets DrawObjectEventHandler to get DrawObject and Bound while rendering.

Adds DrawObject.Shape property

Gets the related Shape while rendering.