Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 20.9 Release Notes

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Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-40792 Pivot table is not created for ODS file New Feature
CELLSJAVA-43221 Exception “java.lang.NullPointerException” when loading XLT file Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43222 Exception “com.aspose.cells.CellsException: formula data should have been corrupted….” when loading an XLS file Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43223 Exception “java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid encoding: null” when loading an XLS file Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43226 Exception “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” when retrieving picture’s data Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43234 Data before 2014 not read from Pivot Table Bug
CELLSJAVA-43210 Wrong value #Value read by Aspose.Cells Bug
CELLSJAVA-43215 Unable to transform XLSM file to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-43219 Adding formula reference to different sheet results in corrupted Excel workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-43232 ROUNDUP function issue Bug
CELLSJAVA-43243 Formula could not be retrieved while changing formula of neighboring cell Bug
CELLSJAVA-43217 Printing XLSX to XPS loses background formatting Bug
CELLSJAVA-43224 Issue while printing to a physical printer Bug
CELLSJAVA-43241 Problem with Line Height and Border while creating image from Excel area Bug
CELLSJAVA-43209 setRepeatFormulaWithSubtotal(true) not generating expected results while using SmartMarkers Bug
CELLSJAVA-43213 Aspose.Cells 20.6 is not working fine with form controls on Office 365 (version 2005 Build 12827.20268) Bug
CELLSJAVA-43214 When translating XLS to XLSX it produces a broken XLSX file Bug
CELLSJAVA-43216 XLS to XLSX conversion - font boldness and positioning is changed for the shape Bug
CELLSJAVA-43228 Generated XLS is in protected view Bug
CELLSJAVA-43231 Error in output file after replacements Bug
CELLSJAVA-43242 One of the style tag found outside the Head tag Bug
CELLSJAVA-43157 Customized data series color is not preserved when creating a Waterfall chart Bug
CELLSJAVA-43240 Unintended line breaks in shapes/objects when converting Excel to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-43255 Performance issue on Excel to PDF conversion Bug
CELLSJAVA-43250 Expanded label cells are not merged in SmartMarker Bug
CELLSJAVA-43253 Saving the file using OoxmlSaveOptions after replacing text in SmartArt converts XLS to XLSX Bug
CELLSJAVA-43263 SmartMarker problem when a cell is set fill color and conditional formatting Bug
CELLSJAVA-43269 Not able to get value from pivot sheet Bug
CELLSJAVA-43272 Image shrinks after setting width scalable Bug
CELLSJAVA-43280 Filter issue after the pivot table refresh Bug
CELLSJAVA-43281 Refresh pivot table issue Bug
CELLSJAVA-43285 Static filters are lost after refreshing the pivot table Bug
CELLSJAVA-43288 The resulting XLSB file is corrupt when saving file to XLSB Bug
CELLSJAVA-43289 Filter issue after refresh of pivot table Bug
CELLSJAVA-43293 Issue with filter options after PivotTable.refreshData() Bug
CELLSJAVA-43279 Values are not fetched properly using getStringValue() Bug
CELLSJAVA-43291 grid content not showing Bug
CELLSJAVA-43037 Font problem on PDF conversion Bug
CELLSJAVA-43249 Printing issues while using physical printers, XPS and PDF printer Bug
CELLSJAVA-43254 Font difference while converting spreadsheet to image Bug
CELLSJAVA-43266 Java version does not support loading font from current user fonts folder by default Bug
CELLSJAVA-43268 Excel to TIFF rendering - some of the values are replaced with " #" chars Bug
CELLSJAVA-43275 Aspose.Cell for Java 20.8 com.aspose.cells.CellsException: Error for ZipFile Bug
CELLSJAVA-43277 Problem with height width ratio Bug
CELLSJAVA-43245 Combo chart is not displayed correctly after converting Excel file to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-43276 Line break issues while converting XLSX to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-43261 SmartMarker: when using group:merge with Number Format Percentage, the expanding result is wrong Bug
CELLSJAVA-43265 Cannot load XLSX file Bug
CELLSJAVA-43270 Content duplication (embedded Word) when copying worksheet Bug
CELLSJAVA-43271 WaterFall Chart Not preserving SetAsTotal Property Bug
CELLSJAVA-43287 Adding autofilter corrupts the workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-43290 Processing does not return when saving XML Spreadsheet 2003 file in MS Excel workbook format Bug
CELLSJAVA-43225 Exception “java.lang.NullPointerException” when retrieving string value from the cell Exception
CELLSJAVA-43229 Exception while loading XLSM file with option setKeepUnparsedData(false) Exception
CELLSJAVA-43238 Calculation fails with NPE (java.lang.NullPointerException) Exception
CELLSJAVA-43199 Exception “java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException” on saving to HTML Exception
CELLSJAVA-43170 CellsException on calculateFormula method Exception
CELLSJAVA-43267 Exception “java.lang.NullPointerException” when calculating pivot table in the sheet Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Marks interface ICustomFunction as obsolete.

This interface sometimes causes ambiguity and misunderstanding for users. User should use AbstractCalculationEngine instead which provides more convenient and flexible APIs for manipulating custom functions.

Marks CalculationOptions.CustomFunction property as obsolete.

Please use AbstractCalculationEngine instead of ICustomFunction by CalculationOptions.CustomEngine property.

Marks Workbook.CalculateFormula(bool, ICustomFunction) method as obsolete.

Please use Workbook.CalculateFormula(CalculationOptions) method instead.

Marks Worksheet.CalculateFormula(bool, bool, ICustomFunction) method as obsolete.

Please use Worksheet.CalculateFormula(CalculationOptions, bool) method instead.

Marks Cell.Calculate(bool, ICustomFunction) method as obsolete.

Please use Cell.Calculate(CalculationOptions) method instead.

Adds DocxSaveOptions class and SaveFormat.Docx enum

Represents the options and enum for saving workbook as .docx files.

Adds PptxSaveOptions class and SaveFormat.Pptx enum

Represents the options and enum for saving workbook as .pptx files.

Adds PowerQueryFormulaFunction class

Represents power query formula function.

Adds SaveOptions.UpdateSmartArt and deletes OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateSmartArt property

Indicates whether updating the text of smart art shapes when saving files.

Adds SlicerCollection.Add(ListObject table, int index, string destCellName) method

Add a new Slicer using ListObjet as data source.

Adds SlicerCollection.Add(ListObject table, ListColumn listColumn, string destCellName) method

Add a new Slicer using ListObjet as data source.

Adds SlicerCollection.Add(ListObject table, ListColumn listColumn, int row, int column) method

Add a new Slicer using ListObjet as data source.

Adds Cells.RemoveDuplicates() method.

Overloaded method of Cells.RemoveDuplicates(…) for user’s convenience to remove duplicated rows in the whole sheet.

Adds TickLabels.DisplayNumberFormat property.

Gets and sets the display number format of tick labels.

Adds Cells.GetViewRowHeight() and Cells.GetViewRowHeightInch() method.

Gets the view row height.

Adds enum SheetType.InternationalMacro.

Adds new sheet type : international macro.

Adds PivotFieldCollection.iterator() method.

Gets an enumerator over the elements in this collection in proper sequence.

Adds PivotItemCollection.iterator() method.

Gets an enumerator over the elements in this collection in proper sequence.

Adds Workbook.IsWorkbookProtectedWithPassword property.

Indicates whether the structure and window is protected with password.

Add PowerQueryFormulaParameters and PowerQueryFormulaParameter classes

Represents the power query formula parameters.

Adds AbstractCalculationEngine.ProcessBuiltInFunctions property

For performance and user’s convenience consideration, we add this property and make its default value as false so user can concentrate on those functions that have not been supported by built-in engine. If user’s existing implementation of AbstractCalculationEngine changed some built-in functions' calculation, user should override this property to make it as true from 20.9.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.HasTextQualifier property

Denotes whethere there is text qualifier for cell values in the template file.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.TextQualifier property

Specifies the text qualifier for cell values in the template file.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ImageScalable property

Indicates whether to use scalable unit to describe the image width. The default value of the property is true.

Adds Slicer.AlternativeText property

Gets or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the Slicer object.

Adds Slicer.ColumnWidthPixel property

Gets or sets the width in unit of pixels for each column of the slicer.

Adds Slicer.HeightPixel property

Gets or sets the height of the specified slicer, in pixels.

Adds Slicer.IsLocked property

Indicates whether the slicer shape is locked.

Adds Slicer.IsPrintable property

Indicates whether the slicer object is printable.

Adds Slicer.LeftPixel property

Gets or sets the horizontal offset of slicer shape from its left column, in pixels.

Adds Slicer.LockedAspectRatio property

Indicates whether locking aspect ratio.

Adds Slicer.Placement property

Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it. The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet.

Adds Slicer.RowHeightPixel property

Returns or sets the height, in pixels, of each row in the specified slicer.

Adds Slicer.Title property

Specifies the title of the current Slicer object.

Adds Slicer.TopPixel property

Gets or sets the vertical offset of slicer shape from its top row, in pixels.

Adds Slicer.WidthPixel property

Gets or sets the width of the specified slicer, in pixels.

Adds Worksheet.PaneState property and PaneStateType enum.

Represents the state of pane in the worksheet.

Adds OdsLoadOptions.RefreshPivotTables property.

Indicates whether refreshing pivot table when loading .ods files.

Adds FilterColumn.IsDropdownVisible property.

Indicates whether the AutoFilter button for this column is visible.

Obsoletes Filter.Visibledropdown property.

Use FilterColumn.IsDropdownVisible instead.

Adds CopyOptions.KeepMacros property.

Indicates whether keeping the macors in the target workbook . It only effects when original workbook does not contains macros.

Adds overload Workbook.Copy(Workbook,CopyOptions) method.

Copies workbook with options.

Adds WarningType.InvalidAutoFilterRange enum.

Represents the warning type that the range could not autofiltered.

Adds Chart.DisplayNaAsBlank property.

Indicates whether displaying #N/A as blank value.

Adds CrossType.Minimum enum.

Represents the axises cross at the minimum value.

Adds XlsbSaveOptions.ExportAllColumnIndexes property.

Indicates whether export column indexes for all cells when saving XLSB files.