Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 21.9 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-43477 | Digitally Sign a VBA Code Project with Certificate using Aspose.Cells for Java | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-40452 | Get external data ranges and details | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-42494 | Large amount of unused styles being generated into the CSS section | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-43639 | Creation date and time and modification date cannot be extracted | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-41121 | SheetRender does not render the flow chart correctly | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43331 | Missing text in circle during XLS to HTML conversion | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43507 | When executing svg to insert excel under java, it exits abnormally. | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-41887 | Percentage data from a Pivot Table is not showing properly in HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43482 | Superscripts and subscripts not formatted correctly when converting an HTML document to a Workbook | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43501 | Incorrect value read using getStringValue() function | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43515 | MDURATION formula issue | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43528 | Creation date and time and update date cannot be extracted | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43529 | Unable to extract BuiltInDocumentProperties | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43530 | Date and time property results are different | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-41693 | Equation in a TextBox does not render to PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43487 | Text not centered in the output PDF in Excel to PDF conversion | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42867 | Shapes are not retrieved in the ODS file format | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42895 | PNG output of MS Excel chart has discrepancies | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43015 | Issue with SheetRender.toImage() while using setPrintArea() method | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43258 | Chart points font boldness changes after workbook copy | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43436 | Aspose Cells ignores inverted y-axis in diagram | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43510 | Chart is messed up upon re-saving the Excel file using Aspose.Cells for Java | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43532 | Problem extracting chart series names | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43474 | Shape objects changed while loading and saving XLS file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43493 | Incorrect comment’s author is retrieved | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43576 | Graphic text values are not displayed when converting XLSX to PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43483 | Text after a “br” tag within an “em” tag is not emphasized when converting an HTML document to a Workbook | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43526 | IllegalArgumentException: Invalid column index | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43557 | Incorrect color when save as html | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43567 | Regression: MDURATION formula not calculated properly | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43583 | Power operator “^” is not working for formula calculations | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43549 | Image missing in the Output PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43566 | Default fonts on MacOS Big Sur | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42579 | Axis Labels are not displaying correctly - Right Alignment missing when saving Excel to Pdf | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43554 | Chart datatable text is not shown int the output image | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43556 | XLSX to PDF: Incomplete diagram title | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-40051 | Apple iWork Support | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43119 | Conversion to PDF - Unsupport file format Number3.5 since 2014 | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43538 | Chart with No Data causes XLSX to become corrupt after saving with Aspose Cells | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43547 | AutoFitRow changes worksheet standard height | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43591 | Error when open file in MS Excel saved by Aspose.Cells | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43622 | XLSX to PDF: Shape to image Error | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43756 | Image distortion during Excel to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43309 | Details changed on Excel to HTML conversion | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43578 | Formatting issues while converting Excel to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43579 | Text Alignment issue during Excel to HTML conversion | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43630 | Hyperlink function hyperlink is invalid when Excel is converted to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43635 | When exporting html, the length of the data bar is shorter than that in excel | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43709 | Re-saved XLSM file cause file corruption popup when opening by ms excel | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43758 | Array formula evaluation problem | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43680 | Databar issue of conditional formatting in the generated pdf | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43689 | Setting the conditional formatting to cell and using DataBar.toImage result in blank picture | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43723 | The font in the cell is not fully displayed When Excel file is converted to PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43724 | Not able to convert complex HTML into CSV | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43728 | Text orientation changed while Excel to PDF conversion | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43752 | Excel to HTML rendering - issue with conditional formatting to hide borders | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43792 | Font is incorrect when setting HtmlLoadOptions for HTML to Excel conversion | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43571 | DataLabels truncation issue When Converting XLSX to PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43587 | Donut chart labels misplaced | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43620 | Vertical axis values and point labels are not rendered properly when rendering Excel file (containing Waterfall chart) to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43621 | Function RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top) value results are different from Excel results | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-41710 | Wrong rendering of HTML after conversion from XLSX | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43422 | HTML to Excel conversion - “mso-ignore: padding” in CSS have no effect | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43606 | Background text formatting changed while merging files | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43769 | MSO Excel (XLS) document cannot be loaded | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43527 | Aspose.Cells for Java NullPointerException | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43506 | Invalid password exception | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43523 | CellsException for reading shape’s macro name: Invalid formula | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43565 | “java.lang.ClassCastException” on reading XLSB file with LightCells | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43546 | NullPointerException when extracting series name of chart | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43631 | Exception “java.lang.NullPointerException” when loading XLSM file | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43655 | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with getStringValue | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43788 | Exception raised while setting value for chart series | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43632 | Exception “Invalid FontUnderlineType string val” when loading an XLSX file | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-43633 | Exception “Invalid MsoLineDashStyle string val” when loading an XLSX file | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds PasteOptions.OperationType property and PasteOperationType enum .
Gets and sets the operation type when pasting range.
Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddColumnAreaCondition(PivotField columnField) method .
Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the column fields.
Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddColumnAreaCondition(String fieldName) method .
Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the column fields.
Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddRowAreaCondition(PivotField rowField) method .
Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the row fields.
Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddRowAreaCondition(String fieldName) method .
Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the row fields.
Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddDataAreaCondition(PivotField dataField) method .
Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the data fields.
Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddDataAreaCondition(String fieldName) method .
Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the data fields.
Adds PivotFormatCondition.SetConditionalAreas() method.
Sets conditional areas of PivotFormatCondition object.
Adds SeriesCollection.Add(boolean,boolean) method.
Adds series with a range.
Adds SetSeriesNames() method.
Sets a range as name of the series.
Adds AbstractInterruptMonitor class.
Provides AbstractInterruptMonitor as the base of implementations for interruption monitor. The InterruptMonitor class now becomes one implementation of it. The type of InterruptMonitor properties for LoadOptions and Workbook now become AbstractInterruptMonitor too so user can use their own implementation to control the time-consuming operations.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.WorksheetScalable property.
Indicates if zoom in or out the html via worksheet zoom level when saving file to html, the default value is false.
Adds override WorksheetCollection.GetRangeByName() method.
Gets Range object by name from defined names or Tables.
Adds Range.AutoFill() method.
Automatically fills data to the range.
Adds WarningType.IO enum.
Represents the file corrupted warning.
Adds AutoFitterOptions.FormatStrategy property.
Gets and sets the formatted strategy for auto fitting.
Adds MsoFormatPicture.Transparency property.
Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
Adds overloaded PivotTableCollection.Remove() methods.
Deletes the specified PivotTable and checks whether keeping cells' data .
Adds ImageOrPrintOptions.IsOptimized property.
Indicates whether optimize the output elements. Default value is false. Currently only the border lines are optimized when this property is set to true.