Aspose.Cells for Java 16.10.0 Release Notes

1) Aspose.Cells

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-41974 Refreshing PivotTable is not working in the rendered PDF file Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41900 XLSM becomes corrupted by simple load and save operation Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41790 Hyperlinks are not working as expected after converting spreadsheet to HTML Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42010 Some characters do not render in the output PDF  Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41977 Order of chart legend changed in Chart’s PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41972 Z order of high-low lines is not correct in PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42015 Spreadsheet becomes corrupted after re-saving with Aspose.Cells Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42005 Formula is changed after inserting to a cell Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41997 Strange behaviour with simple bean using Smart Markers Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41993 NullPointerException while opening a7.xlsm file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-41992 NullPointerException while opening a6.xlsm file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-41991 NullPointerException while opening a5.xlsm file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-41990 NullPointerException while opening a4.xlsm file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-41989 NullPointerException while opening a3.xlsm file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-41988 NullPointerException while opening a2.xlsm file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-41987 NullPointerException while opening a1.xlsm file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-41968 IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 23, Size: 14 while refreshing PivotChart Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42014 ClassCastException: com.aspose.cells.zadp cannot be cast to com.aspose.cells.zadq while re-saving XLSX Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds Shape.Reflection property and ReflectionEffect class

Represents reflection effect for the chart element or shape.

Adds Shape.Glow, GlowEffect.Size and GlowEffect.Transparency properties

Represents glow effect for the chart element or shape.

Adds LightRigType.None enum

Represents no lighting setting.

Adds Shape.ShadowEffect property

Represents shadow effect for the chart element or shape.

Adds ExternalLink.IsVisible property

Indicates whether the external link is visible.

Adds Shape.ThreeDFormat property and ThreeDFormat class

Gets and sets 3d format of the shape.

Adds PresetCameraType enum

Represents different algorithmic methods for setting all camera properties, including position.

Adds LightRigDirectionType enum

Represents the light rig direction type.

Adds BevelType enum

Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D.

Adds XmlMapCollection.Add(string url) method

Adds an XmlMap by the url/path of an XML file.

Adds ShapeCollection.AddWordArt() method and PresetWordArtStyle enum

Adds preset WordArt since MS Excel 2007.

Adds FontSettingCollection.SetWordArtStyle() method and FontSetting.SetWordArtStyle() method

Sets preset WordArt style to the text of the shape.

Adds Cells.LinkToXmlMap(string mapName, int row, int column, string path) method

Link to an xml map.

Adds ListColumn.Formula property

Gets and sets the formula of the list column.

Adds GridWeb.CustomCalculationEngine property and GridAbstractCalculationEngine class

Represents user’s custom calculation engine to extend the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.