Aspose.Cells for Java 17.5 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Cells for Java 17.5.
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-41130 | Change the language of the predefined words for Pivot Table | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-42272 | Options to embed the hyperlink in an Excel cell | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-42283 | NullPointerException occurs when the filter exists outside of the named range | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42282 | Copying a worksheet unhides filtered rows in the output HTML file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42276 | Contents are shown differently (some text is missing) in non IE browsers (e.g Google chrome) - Excel to HTML rendering | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42247 | Conditional formatting is lost when refreshing PivotTable in the spreadsheet | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42257 | Conditional formatting style is broken | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42202 | Excel formula is not working properly - it is shown as 6 instead of 0 | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42286 | Saving XLS file with graphs uses 100% CPU | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42251 | Title is obscured by the trend labels in the output PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42284 | Workbook.getFonts() shows additional fonts after reload the same spreadsheet | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42281 | Merging/Copying to Excel sheets - Spaces in the beginning of the cells are not getting retained | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42280 | Invalid string in the file - error occurs on opening an Excel file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42275 | Names of some public methods parameters changed in the newer version | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42271 | Worksheet.autoFitColumns() does not work well with the cells having line breaks | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42266 | Sorting the Excel file containing comments corrupts the output Excel file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42265 | Sorting comments causes “Excel found unreadable content….” error when opening the output file into MS Excel | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42264 | Subscript and superscript issues in OpenOffice ODS file when converting to HTML or PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42268 | Exception: “java.lang.NullPointerException” when rendering a chart to image | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-42278 | Exception: “java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 12, Size: 12” when saving to HTML file format | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-42274 | Exception: “java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0” when loading an XLSX file | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds ExportTableOptions.ExportAsHtmlString property
Exports the HTML string value of the cells to the DataTable.
Adds PageSetup.Copy(PageSetup source,CopyOptions copyOptions) method
Copies the settings of the Page Setup.
Adds ImportTableOptions.ShiftFirstRowDown property
Indicates whether shifting the first row down when inserting table.
Adds PageSetup.CustomPaperSize() method
Sets the custom paper size, in the unit of inches.
Adds PageSetup.PrinterSettings property
Gets and sets the settings of the default printer.
Adds constants PaperSizeType.CUSTOM
Represents the custom paper size.
Adds constants PdfCompliance.PDF_A_1_A
Represents PDF format compatible with PDFA-1a.
Usage Examples
Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Cells Wiki docs:
- Convert Excel file to PDF format compatible with PDFA-1a
- Copy Page Setup Settings from Source Worksheet into Destination Worksheet
- Implement Custom Paper Size of Worksheet for Rendering
- Remove Existing PrinterSettings of Worksheets in Excel file
- Shift First Row down when inserting Cells Data Table Rows