Aspose.Cells for Java 18.11 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-42738 Wrong count of validation values is read from XLSX Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42734 Issue while treating consecutive delimiters as distinct Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42739 Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) crashes when using it concurrently in a multi user environment Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42737 Chart line is missing in XLSX->PNG conversion Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42735 Problem with getActualChartSize method Bug 
CELLSJAVA-40861 SmartArt doesn’t copy when workbook is copied Bug 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds PivotTable.RefreshedByWho property

Gets the name of the user who refreshed the PivotTable last time.

Adds PivotTable.RefreshDate property

Gets the date when the PivotTable was refreshed last time.

Adds CalculationData.CellRow/CellColumn properties

Provides efficient way for user to get cell’s row and column indices instead of fetching the Cell object.

Adds CalculationCell class

Represents the calculation data about one cell being calculated.

Adds AbstractCalculationMonitor.OnCircular(IEnumerator circularCellsData) method

Provides method for user to gather and process circular references.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.TreatConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne property

Allows user to choose whether consecutive delimiters should be taken as one when importing CSV file.

Adds FormatCondition.SetFormulas(string formula1, string formula2, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) method

Provides efficient and convenient way for user to set formulas for FormatCondition.

Adds Validation.GetListValue(int row, int column) method

Allows user to get the value to produce the list for the Validation of specific cell.

Obsoletes ValidationCollection.Add(Validation validation) method

Use ValidationCollection.Add(CellArea) method instead.

Adds Validation.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Validation,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions) method

Copies validation.

Adds CreatedUniversalTime,LastPrintedUniversalTime and LastSavedUniversalTime properties of BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection

Returns UTC time about the builtin properties.

Adds OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateSmartArt property

Indicates whether updating the smart art.

Adds SmartArtShape class

Represents the smart art shape.