Aspose.Cells for Java 18.6 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-42339 Implement custom data sorting in Pivot Table report via Aspose.Cells APIs New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42625 The implementation of the MS Excel feature ‘Watch Window’ New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42612 Unable to extract the text from the gear type SmartArt New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42646 Exception: “FormulaBuild](/p Unknown formula token0” on Name.getRefersTo() Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42645 Exception: “FormulaBuild More than one token in stack….” on Cell.getFormula() Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42516 Aspose.Cells accepts and corrects an invalid formula Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42636 Some drawing shapes are displaced or rendered wrongly in Excel to HTML rendering Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42627 CELLSJAVA-42619 - Unable to extract Smart Art images correctly Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42618 Shape is displaced to cover data in Excel to HTML rendering Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42628 Calculation of formulas are wrong e.g. it generates #DIV/0! errors Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42615 Cell A3 format is not correct in the output HTML Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42621 Poor performance when generating PDF file from an MS Excel file Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42620 XLSX to TIFF - exception NoClassDefFoundError Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42599 Images are lost when Excel file is converted to PDF  Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42630 Chart.calculate method causes OutOfMemoryError Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42623 Memory increases in rendering Excel file to PDF file format Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42592 Font size changed on chart title due to characters() method Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41860 Shadow effect is changed while re-saving XLS Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42654 Excel to PDF conversion - the conversion never completes Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42647 Unable to get or set alternative text for Comment shape Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42644 Aspose.Cells hangs when converting a spreadsheet ml file (xml) to PDF with self-closing Styles tag Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42632 Unable to set alternative text for SmartArt shape Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42631 getFirstVisibleRow() and getFirstVisibleColumn() returning invalid indices Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42624 Hyperlinks with encoded symbols (such as, “%5c”) decode after re-saving Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42638 Cell.getDisplayStringValue() throws java.lang.NullPointerException Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42652 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurred on loading an XLS file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42650 Exception: “Invalid encoding: null” when loading an XLS file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42649 Exception: “The count of HPageBreaks cannot be larger than 1024” when loading an XLS file Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42648 Exception: “Failed to read image data” on Picture.getData() Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds Slicer, SlicerCollection, SlicerCache, SlicerCacheItem and SlicerCacheItemCollection classes

These APIs are used to create and modify the Slicer in the file.

Adds SlicerCacheItemSortType and SlicerStyleType enums

These APIs are used to create and modify the Slicer in the file.

Adds CellWatchCollection and CellWatch classes, Adds Worksheet.CellWatches property

Adds Cell Watch Item in the ‘watch window’.

Adds CustomXmlShape class and MsoDrawingType.CustomXml enum

Supports keeping custom xml shape.

Adds MsoDrawingType.SmartArt enum

Represents the smart art shape type.

Adds Font.SchemeType property and FontSchemeType enums

Gets and sets the scheme type of the font.

Adds CustomXmlPart.ID property

Gets and sets the Id of custom xml part.

Adds CustomXmlPartCollection.SelectByID() method

Gets Custom xml part by id.

Adds Range.Address, Range.CellCount, EntireColumn, Range.EntireRow and Range.GetOffset(System.Int32,System.Int32)

Enhancement for processing range.

Adds ColorDepth enum and ImageOrPrintOptions.TiffColorDepth property

Gets or sets bit depth to apply only when saving pages to the Tiff format.

Overloads WorkbookRender.ToImage() method

Renders the workbook to image by the page index.

Adds Legend.LegendEntriesLabels() method

Gets the labels of the legend entries after calling Chart.Calculate() method.

Adds CustomFilter.SetCriteria(FilterOperatorType filterOperator, object criteria) method

Sets the filter criteria.

Provides new APIs for supporting to get/set formulas in locale dependent format (the FormulaLocal function of Microsoft Interop)

Cell.GetFormula(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) Cell.SetFormula(string formula, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal, object value) Name.GetRefersTo(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) Name.SetRefersTo(string refersTo, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) FormatCondition.GetFormula1(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) FormatCondition.SetFormula1(string formula, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) FormatCondition.GetFormula2(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) FormatCondition.SetFormula2(string formula, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) FormatCondition.GetFormula1(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal, int row, int column) FormatCondition.GetFormula2(bool isR1C1, bool isLocal, int row, int column) GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfHeaders() GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfData() GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfAll() GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfTotals() GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfCurrent() GlobalizationSettings.GetErrorValueString(string err) GlobalizationSettings.GetBooleanValueString(bool bv) GlobalizationSettings.GetLocalFunctionName(string standardName) GlobalizationSettings.GetStandardFunctionName(string localName) GlobalizationSettings.GetLocalBuiltInName(string standardName) GlobalizationSettings.GetStandardBuiltInName(string localName) GlobalizationSettings.ListSeparator GlobalizationSettings.RowSeparatorOfFormulaArray GlobalizationSettings.ColumnSeparatorOfFormulaArray