Aspose.Cells for Java 18.8 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-42680 Disable Pivot Table Ribbon New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42568 Protect workbook and worksheet in ODS file New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42677 Interruption issue with saving XLSX file process Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42687 Hyperlink not working when referenced from other sheet Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-41176 Incorrect alignment while rendering spreadsheet to PDF format Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42676 Table data shifted to wrong row and column while converting from HTML to MS Excel file format Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41670 Chart’s image position is wrong in Chrome & FireFox while converting to HTML   Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41245 Slicer control is not rendered when converting Excel file to HTML file format Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42684 Vertical line at the center of the chart is not drawn properly in the rendered image Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42682 Gradient color for negative bubbles is not applying in the PDF output Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42681 Chart category title not shown properly in the image Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42695 Wrong border style returned for merged cell Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42694 Read watermark from Excel file Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42686 Property comment contains unnecessary text Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42685 Property “revision number” not checked correctly Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41485 Macros in the ODS file are not retained in the generated ODS file format Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42691 NegativeArraySizeException while converting XLSX to HTML Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42675 NumberFormatException raised while loading the HTML file into workbook Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42689 NullPointerException exception raised while calling the CalculateFormula Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42678 Exception when rendering worksheet to PNG file format Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42411 Error in Cell: E22-Invalid formula - exception on opening MS Excel file Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds PdfSecurityOptions.AccessibilityExtractContent property

Permission to copy or extract content (in support of accessibility to disabled users or for other purposes).

Adds SubtotalSetting class

Represents the setting of subtotal.

Adds Cells.RetrieveSubtotalSetting(CellArea) method

Retrieves the setting of subtotal.

Adds overload Range.ExportDataTable(Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions) method.

Supports options of exporting range.

Adds WebQueryConnection.IsSameSetting property and deletes WebQueryConnection.IsFirstRow property

Use WebQueryConnection.IsSameSetting property instead.

Adds WebQueryConnection.IsXmlSourceData property and deletes WebQueryConnection.IsSourceData property

Use WebQueryConnection.IsXmlSourceData property instead.

Adds Shape.IsEquation property

Indicates whether the shape contains equation.

Adds overload Cells.CopyColumns(Int32,Int32,PasteOptions) and Cels.CopyRows(Int32,Int32,PasteOptions) method

Supports paste options when copying rows and columns.

Adds Axis.IsAutoTickLabelSpacing property

Indicates whether tick label spacing is automatic.