Aspose.Cells for Java 19.1 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-41026 Support Excel 95/5.0 (XLS files) New Feature
CELLSJAVA-42778 Exception “style textRotation must be between 0 and 180” while loading the XLSM Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-42290 Mdashes and ndashes inserted into TextBoxes in charts are not rendered properly in chart’s PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-42750 Unable to retrieve page fields' items in the PivotTable report Bug
CELLSJAVA-42783 Problem with strikethrough text in generated HTML file format Bug
CELLSJAVA-42784 Data in some cells (e.g G7, H7, etc.) are not rendered the same way as per in original file in Excel to HTML/image conversion Bug
CELLSJAVA-42797 Some styles are not rendered in HTML input Bug
CELLSJAVA-42807 Formula/function “ISOWEEKNUM” calculation is not the same as MS Excel Bug
CELLSJAVA-42794 ODS to XLSX - Text color changed Bug
CELLSJAVA-42795 ODS to XLSX - Strikethrough font not preserved properly Bug
CELLSJAVA-42796 ODS to XLSX - Text box dimensions changed Bug
CELLSJAVA-42798 ODS -> XLSX - Hyperlink is functional but shown as plain text Bug
CELLSJAVA-42802 ODS to XLSX, Percentages are lost in bar graph chart Bug
CELLSJAVA-42803 Outline “SummaryRowBelow” not affected when saving as XLSB file format Bug
CELLSJAVA-42757 CellsException while converting files Exception
CELLSJAVA-42799 Exception “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -32768” when loading an XLSX file format Exception
CELLSJAVA-42800 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when loading a workbook Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds PivotTable.ShowReportFilterPageByName(string fieldName) method

Shows all the report filter pages according to PivotField’s name, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.

Adds PivotTable.ShowReportFilterPageByIndex(int posIndex) method

Shows all the report filter pages according to the position index in the PageFields.

Adds PivotTable.ShowReportFilterPage(PivotField pageField) method

Shows all the report filter pages according to PivotField, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.

Adds DataSorterKey and DataSorterKeyCollection class

Represents the key of the data sorter.

Adds DataSorter.AddKey(Int32,SortOnType,SortOrder,Object) method

Adds the sort key such as cell’s background color, font color.

Adds Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Keys property

Gets all keys of the data sorter.

Adds SortOnType enum

Represents the type of sorted data.

Adds ODSLoadOptions class

Represents the options of loading ODS file.

Adds HTMLLoadOptions.ProgId property

Gets the program id of creating the file. used only for MHT files.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.TextCrossType property

Gets or sets displaying text type when the text width is larger than cell width.

Adds TextCrossType enum class

Enumerates displaying text type when the text width is larger than cell width.

Adds WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction() methods

Replacement of Cell.SetAddInFormula(), a more convenient and efficient way for users to add and use addin functions.

Obsoletes Cell.SetAddInFormula() method

Please register the addin functions firstly by WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction() and then setting the formula for Cell by Cell.Formula/Cell.SetFormula() instead.