Aspose.Cells for Java 19.8 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-42949 Support for ECDSA and RSA algorithms New Feature
CELLSJAVA-42979 Get total page count before converting to PDF/image New Feature
CELLSJAVA-42967 Insert SVG file into the worksheet New Feature
CELLSJAVA-42969 Support Java 12 in Aspose.Cells for Java Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-42977 High CPU and memory consumption during Excel to PDF conversion Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-42902 Waterfall chart style is not copied properly while copying workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-42944 Error converting XLSX to HTML Bug
CELLSJAVA-42966 Refreshing PivotTable and PivotCharts corrupts the Excel file Bug
CELLSJAVA-42975 Differences in HTML conversion Bug
CELLSJAVA-42971 #N/A is shown in the rendered PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-42970 Unwanted extended borderline in Excel to PDF rendering Bug
CELLSJAVA-42976 Image position mismatch when rendering Excel file to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-42961 Table properties not copied properly while copying data using copyColumns Bug
CELLSJAVA-42980 Transparent image changes to opaque during picture copy Bug
CELLSJAVA-42959 Exception “Shape to image Error” when rendering an XLSX file to PDF Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds class SheetPrintingPreview

Represents the worksheet printing preview.

Adds class WorkbookPrintingPreview

Represents the workbook printing preview.

Adds QueryTable.ExternalConnection property.

Gets the connection of the querytable.

Adds Hyperlink.LinkType property and enum TargetModeType.

Represents the link type of the hyperlink.