Aspose.Cells for Java 23.3 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-45149 | Modify the logic of generating a ‘group’ object from the smartart object | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-45172 | Support loadoption for GridWeb | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-45173 | Support margins of img tag when loading html | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-45110 | Converted image is not same as MS Excel. | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45190 | Calculated field values are not retrieved by the getCalculatedValue() function. | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45056 | Chart to Image - character and legend height not rendered correctly | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45089 | Converted PDF is showing diagram labels at different location and incorrect Axis points | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45141 | Data labels missing from chart in copied workbook in v23 | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45178 | When converting xlsx to html, the program will prompt that the starting cell of the Chart object has invalid ‘}’ content | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45195 | Series Line is missing in a Scatter chart | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45054 | Can not switch worksheet for the specified file from customer | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45143 | CSV file not same with WPS file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45072 | The converted PDF by Aspose.Cells from MS Excel file could not be read normally with iText | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45200 | Showing “#” for numbers in the converted PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45159 | Text is not center aligned while rendering to png image | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-41794 | HTML is wrong when some rows are hidden | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45189 | Select pivot data field of a pivot table to apply format on | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45197 | Formatting issues in HTML to Excel conversion | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45051 | Password not working when opening LibreOffice Calc file (ODS) | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-44070 | Exception “Invalid end row index” in CSV to PDF rendering | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-45107 | An exception IllegalArgumentException is generated when exporting files to html | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds CalculationOptions.LinkedDataSources property
Allows user to set linked data sources for external links used in formula for calculation.
Obsoletes SvgSaveOptions class
Please use ImageSaveOptions class instead.
Obsoletes SvgSaveOptions() constructor
Please use ImageSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Svg) instead and set ImageSaveOptions.ImageOrPrintOptions.OnePagePerSheet to true.
Obsoletes SvgSaveOptions.SheetIndex property
Please use ImageSaveOptions.ImageOrPrintOptions.SheetSet instead.
Adds StyleModifyFlag.FontVerticalText enum
Indicates whether text is vertical aligned.
Adds WarningType.InvalidOperator enum
Represents the invalid operator of warning when operating Excel files.
Supports setting Row.GroupLevel and Column.GroupLevel properties
Supports setting group level of rows and columns.
Obsoletes HtmlLoadOptions.ConvertFormulasData and adds HtmlLoadOptions.HasFormula properties
Please use HtmlLoadOptions.HasFormula instead.
Obsoletes PivotGlobalizationSettings.GetTextOfProtection() and adds PivotGlobalizationSettings.GetTextOfProtectedName(String) methods
Please use PivotGlobalizationSettings.GetTextOfProtectedName(String) instead.
Adds Chart.IsReferedByChart(Int32,Int32) method
Indicates whether this cell is refered by the chart.
Adds PasteOptions.IgnoreLinksToOriginalFile property
Do not link to the original file when copying range.
Adds PivotArea,PivotTableSelectionType and PivotTable.Format(Pivot.PivotArea,Style)
Select the area and format it of the PivotTable.
Adds SheetSet.Active property
Gets a set with active sheet of the workbook.