Aspose.Cells for Java 23.4 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-45255 Display text from Top to Bottom with CSS “writing-mode” Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-45227 Aspose.Cells gets stuck saving file as XLSB Bug
CELLSJAVA-45241 Calculated result of MIRR is not correct Bug
CELLSJAVA-45296 Aspose Cells does not re-calculate formula for some values Bug
CELLSJAVA-45223 Chart to Image - character and legend height not rendered correctly Bug
CELLSJAVA-45257 Scales of the chart are missing in Excel to PDF rendering Bug
CELLSJAVA-45054 can not switch worksheet for the specified file from customer Bug
CELLSJAVA-45229 can not load file in GridWeb for the file test.xlsx Bug
CELLSJAVA-45231 setRowHeightForCSV does not take affect after switch worksheet ,the csv file row height is still small Bug
CELLSJAVA-45251 After adjusting the column width, the position of the filter button should also be adjusted in place Bug
CELLSJAVA-45082 Wavy line fill is different after saving file to pdf Bug
CELLSJAVA-45237 Formula display error when saving file to SVG Bug
CELLSJAVA-45236 Line position error when saving file to SVG Bug
CELLSJAVA-45252 Incorrect removal of pages during Excel to PDF conversion when using PrintingPageType.IGNORE_BLANK option Bug
CELLSJAVA-45273 Some texts are not visible when converting to svg Bug
CELLSJAVA-45266 Cell content location error when converting to html Bug
CELLSJAVA-45279 Extra white space appears when exporting the file to HTML Bug
CELLSJAVA-45248 HTML to Excel: Cannot hold the multiple format at the same time Bug
CELLSJAVA-45304 Plot is missing in bar charts when converting xlsx to ods Bug
CELLSJAVA-45305 Sun shape is converted to a rectangle shape when converting ods to xlsx Bug
CELLSJAVA-45308 Cell values are not visible for cells having cross-sheet when converting xlsx to ods Bug
CELLSJAVA-45259 Data loss when converting HTML with lists to XLSX Bug
CELLSJAVA-45260 HTML to XLSX: Alignment not retained Bug
CELLSJAVA-45271 The result file has a different uid when saving a workbook twice Bug
CELLSJAVA-45283 PivotArea selection supports other pivot fields type than PivotFieldType.Data Bug
CELLSJAVA-45298 Colours of pie charts should be preserved when converting xlsx to ods Bug
CELLSJAVA-45309 The first slice angle of pie chart is not correct when converting excel to ods Bug
CELLSJAVA-45310 Add OneNote format to FileFormatUtil API to detect the FileFormatType Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds XlsbSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider property

Allows user to save xlsb file in LightCell mode.

Adds Worksheet.CalculateArrayFormula(…) methods

Allows user to calculate one formula as array formula dynamically without setting it to a cell at first.

Adds CalculationOptions.CharacterEncoding property

Allows user to specify the encoding used for encoding/decoding characters when calculating formulas such as CHAR and CODE function.

Adds EquationNode class and it’s derived classes

Allows users to complete the construction of an equation shape by inserting relevant nodes step by step.

Adds FileFormatType.XHtml and FileFormat.OneNote enums

Represents the xhtml and One Note file format type.

Adds FontConfigs.IsFontAvailable() method

Returnes whether the font is available.

Adds LoadOptions.IgnoreUselessShapes property

Indicates whether ignoring useless shapes in the xlsx files.

Adds PivotArea.OnlyData and OnlyLabel properties.

Represents whether only selecting data or lable for pivot area.

Adds SaveFormat.XHtml enum.

Represents the saving format.

Adds ListObject.PutCellFormula() method

Puts formula to the cells in the table.

Adds VbaProject.Encoding property

Gets and sets the encoding of VBA project in the Excel files.

Adds XmlSaveOptions.SheetNameAsElementName property.

Indicates whether saving sheet name as element name when converting excel to xml data.

Adds XmlSaveOptions.DataAsAttribute property.

Indicates whether saving data as attribute of node when converting excel to xml data.