Aspose.Cells for .NET 17.5 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-41365 Support PDF/A-1a compliance in PdfSaveOptions New Feature 
CELLSNET-45347 Remove existing PrinterSettings in Excel file New Feature 
CELLSNET-45340 Implement Custom Page Size options for the worksheet  New Feature 
CELLSNET-45327 Support exporting HTML cells' data to DataTable New Feature 
CELLSNET-45316 Support the working of GridWeb when ASP.NET Session state mode is SQL Server New Feature 
CELLSNET-45350 OutOfMemory error during image rendering Performance
CELLSNET-45341 Converting XLS to SpreadsheetML having filters corrupts the output file Performance
CELLSNET-45217 Saving Excel to PDF rotates the image Bug 
CELLSNET-45306 Wrong styles when save to HTML with css prefix Bug 
CELLSNET-45304 Text alignment of the vertically rotated text is wrong in the output HTML  Bug 
CELLSNET-45299 Text does not fit into cell when saving as HTML Bug 
CELLSNET-45288 Exception occurred on loading an HTML file Bug 
CELLSNET-45274 Pivot table data is not refreshed correctly Bug 
CELLSNET-45336 Workbook calculation method is unable to calculate XIRR formula - II Bug 
CELLSNET-45333 Values in cell M114 and N114 are not correct after Workbook formula calculation Bug 
CELLSNET-45318 Workbook calculation method is unable to calculate XIRR formula Bug 
CELLSNET-45310 Multiple users face problem in GridWeb when Session state is out of process Bug 
CELLSNET-45324 Characters' position is not center aligned when rendering an Excel file to PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-45339 Converted from ODS to XML (SpreadsheetML) file is not opened by MS Excel Bug 
CELLSNET-45326 Cell.HtmlString does not highlight the nested font color properly Bug 
CELLSNET-45325 Data validations end up strange after inserting new rows Bug 
CELLSNET-45322 Cells.ImportDataTable method has changed Bug 
CELLSNET-45314 CopyOptions.ExtendToAdjacentRange property is not working Bug 
CELLSNET-45312 Final Excel file is different than the original Excel file Bug 
CELLSNET-45303 Shapes (rectangles, lines, etc.) are not bonded anymore when re-saving from XLSX to XLS file format Bug 
CELLSNET-45301 Opening and saving the Excel file makes the alignment wrong Bug 
CELLSNET-45297 Opening and saving the XLSM file with newer version corrupts it Bug 
CELLSNET-45296 Removing all comments from a workbook causes errors upon opening in Excel Bug 
CELLSNET-45308 Translate “Other” of Pie chart Bug 
CELLSNET-45298 Legend entries are not hidden correctly in the combined chart Bug 
CELLSNET-45313 Exception when adding calculated field to PivotTable Exception 
CELLSNET-45307 Shape to image error while rendering Worksheet to Image Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds ExportTableOptions.ExportAsHtmlString property

Exports the HTML string value of the cells to the DataTable.

Adds PageSetup.Copy(PageSetup source,CopyOptions copyOptions) method

Copies the settings of the Page Setup.

Adds ImportTableOptions.ShiftFirstRowDown property

Indicates whether shifting the first row down when inserting table.

Adds PageSetup.CustomPaperSize() method

Sets the custom paper size, in the unit of inches.

Adds PageSetup.PrinterSettings property

Gets and sets the settings of the default printer.

Adds enum PaperSizeType.Custom

Represents the custom paper size.

Adds enum PdfCompliance.PdfA1a

Represents PDF format compatible with PDFA-1a.

Usage Examples

Please check the list of help topics added in the Aspose.Cells Wiki docs: