Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.1 Release Notes

Major News


Aspose.Cells for for .NET now also includes Aspose.Cells for iOS via Xamarin and Aspose.Cells for Android via Xamarin assemblies with its regular .NET Dlls.

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-45740 Find the children Pivot Tables of parent Parent Pivot Table New Feature 
CELLSNET-45771 Handle automatic axis units like Microsoft Excel New Feature 
CELLSNET-45668 Read and write tableSingleCells of XLSB file  New Feature 
CELLSNET-45830 Add events after deleting rows and columns in Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop New Feature 
CELLSNET-45805 GridWeb does not render Scrollbars correctly New Feature 
CELLSNET-45845 Unsupported external stylesheet during round-trip conversion Enhancement 
CELLSNET-45803 XLS format should match with MS Excel 2016 Enhancement 
CELLSNET-45842 FontSettings are overwriting each other while MS Excel keeps both of them Enhancement 
CELLSNET-45653 Filtering in GridDesktop does not work properly or like Microsoft Excel Enhancement 
CELLSNET-45763 Shape text is rotated in Excel to PDF conversion Bug 
CELLSNET-45669 Characters overlap when converting to Image Bug 
CELLSNET-45841 XLSB file dealing with Power Pivot corrupts on opening and re-saving Bug 
CELLSNET-45819 Borders are not shown when export from HTML to Excel Bug 
CELLSNET-45807 Gridlines do not appear when HtmlSaveOptions.ExportActiveWorksheetOnly property is set to true Bug 
CELLSNET-45788 Support exporting the separate stylesheet for a single-tab document Bug 
CELLSNET-45826 Image properties (Title and Subject) are lost after converting XLSX to PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-45811 Rendering Excel cuts the right border with some data loss Bug 
CELLSNET-45808 Converting Excel to PDF cuts word with apostrophes when using RTL language Bug 
CELLSNET-45840 Chart is stretched up after saving to XLS format - “mouseover event - embedded.xls” Bug 
CELLSNET-45815 Chart.Calculate is hanging when QAR_symbol is set as “丿.兀.” Bug 
CELLSNET-45765 Charts could not be exported when custom format is using “mm” format Bug 
CELLSNET-45756 Sheet having chart shows changes when the Excel file is opened and re-saved Bug 
CELLSNET-45580 Graph size is changed in a specific XLS file Bug 
CELLSNET-45018 Excel Graph changed after load and save Bug 
CELLSNET-44901 Legend entries have moved slightly down after simple resave Bug 
CELLSNET-45775 Second vertical axis label is missing when converting chart to image Bug 
CELLSNET-45850 Error when copying sheet from one book to another Bug 
CELLSNET-45847 SpreadsheetML to XLSX - Aspose.Cells sets protection settings Bug 
CELLSNET-45846 MS Excel prompts an error message when opening the re-saved file into it Bug 
CELLSNET-45838 Left graph i.e. “Seasonal Adjustment” - the Bars size changes in the output Excel file Bug 
CELLSNET-45837 Spreadsheet XML gets invalidated because it contains elements with double prefix Bug 
CELLSNET-45835 Cell.R1C1Formula returns null when referencing named range(s) Bug 
CELLSNET-45834 Embedded Pdf Image is broken after inserting OLE object Bug 
CELLSNET-45831 Calculation chain part missed after conversion (XLSB -> XLSM) Bug 
CELLSNET-45827 ImportCustomObjects does not import field names when list count is zero Bug 
CELLSNET-45816 Invalid formula error on opening the file Bug 
CELLSNET-45814 Vertical alignment is not applying to the range of cells Bug 
CELLSNET-45812 Absolute path changes to relative path when re-saving an XLSX file Bug 
CELLSNET-45810 RGB(255, 0, 0) is not a valid value for Int32 on HtmlString assignment Bug 
CELLSNET-44690 Re-saving the XLS stretches the chart vertically Bug 
CELLSNET-44621 Conversion from XLSB to XLSM: Resulting file does not contain xl\queryTables\queryTable1 Bug 
CELLSNET-45800 When click on cell A1, it jumps to other cell and focused cell position is wrong Bug 
CELLSNET-45793 Group status is wrong after collapse/expand - Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop Bug 
CELLSNET-45829 When XLSX is saved as HTML, an exception IndexOutOfRangeException occurs Exception 
CELLSNET-45825 System.OutOfMemoryException when rendering image of the chart Exception 
CELLSNET-45844 Excel file is opened from Email fine but it does not open using Aspose.Cells Exception 
CELLSNET-45823 Exception when opening a SpreadsheetML file Exception 
CELLSNET-45817 Exception when setting HtmlString on a cell to specific value Exception 
CELLSNET-45832 Exception when loading an XLSM file into GridWeb Exception 
CELLSNET-45806 Index out of rang exception with Time field subtraction formula in Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords property

Indicates whether parsing pivot cached records when loading the file.The default value is false.Only applies to Excel Xlsx, Xltx, Xltm, Xlsm and Xlsb file formats.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles property

Indicates whether excluding unused styles.The default value is false. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties property

Indicates whether exporting document properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetProperties property

Indicates whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorkbookProperties property

Indicates whether exporting workbook properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.

Adds PivotTable.GetChildren() method

Gets the the children Pivot Tables which use this PivotTable data as data source.