Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.9 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-42992 Applying text alignment to partial text inside the TextBox New Feature 
CELLSNET-46308 Export custom document properties to PDF   New Feature 
CELLSNET-46301 Get XML path from List Object/Table New Feature 
CELLSNET-46315 Support stock chart in ODS file  New Feature 
CELLSNET-46304 Add Row.FirstDataCell property to retrieve the first data cell in the row Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46298 Create safe sheet names similar to Apache POI Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46319 FilterOperatorType.Contains missing from API Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46297 Retrieve range of Query Table Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46294 Name worksheet same as source file name while converting CSV/TSV to Spreadsheet Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46289 Include unsigned Dlls of Aspose.Cells Enhancement 
CELLSNET-46290 Wrong colors rendered for shapes in Excel to PDF conversion Bug 
CELLSNET-46282 Quite small images rendered in PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-46328 Broken hyperlink in HTML Bug 
CELLSNET-46322 Issues in number and date values while calling the AutoFitColumns() Bug 
CELLSNET-46312 Pivot tables not working after load and save Bug 
CELLSNET-46291 Issues in Pivot tables while refreshing and hiding pivot items Bug 
CELLSNET-46279 PivotTable.RefreshData throws ‘Index out of range’ exception Bug 
CELLSNET-46303 Formula not calculated properly Bug 
CELLSNET-46327 Named ranges when converted into SVG, not capturing the exact fonts and spacing Bug 
CELLSNET-46313 Issues in output PDF when using German keywords in scripting headers and footers Bug 
CELLSNET-46300 Table/List Object overlapped the data below the table when importing xml data into the spreadsheet Bug 
CELLSNET-46318 Vertical gridlines appeared in the chart after calling Chart.Calculate() method Bug 
CELLSNET-46287 Horizontal axis is missing in rendered images from Excel chart Bug 
CELLSNET-46286 Issue while setting rotation angle of category axis Bug 
CELLSNET-46333 Application GUID is changed Bug 
CELLSNET-46332 Storages and streams missing from OLE Package after re-saving an encrypted XLSX file Bug 
CELLSNET-46325 Graphs lost while copying worksheet from one workbook to another Bug 
CELLSNET-46316 Conditional formatting is applied without font and shading colors when merging workbooks Bug 
CELLSNET-46305 Text out of print area rendered in PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-46296 Autofit columns or rows disturbing the grouped shapes Bug 
CELLSNET-46292 Difference in XML files Bug 
CELLSNET-46283 Missing border in ODS Excel output Bug 
CELLSNET-46331 Exception when converting an XLSX file to PDF file format Exception 
CELLSNET-46270 ArgumentOutOfRangeException raised while calling Slicer.Refresh() Exception 
CELLSNET-46323 Data validation issue when trying to change cell value with one of the dropdown value Exception 
CELLSNET-46307 Exception when retrieving the url of the list object’s xml data binding map Exception 
CELLSNET-46336 System.OverflowException raised while calling Chart.Calculate Exception 
CELLSNET-46293 Exception while saving the document Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds CellsHelper.CreateSafeSheetName(string nameProposal)/CreateSafeSheetName(string nameProposal, char replaceChar) methods

Methods for user’s convenience to create valid sheet name.

Adds Row.FirstDataCell

Gets the first non-blank cell in the row.

Adds MapChartLabelLayout enum

Represents the label layout type of the map chart.

Adds MapChartProjectionType enum

Represents the projection type of the map chart.

Adds MapChartRegionType enum

Represents the region type of the map chart.

Adds QuartileCalculationType enum

Represents the quartile calculation type of the chart.

Adds Series.LayoutProperties property and class SeriesLayoutProperties

Represents the layout properties of the series.

Adds TickLabels.IsAutomaticRotation property

Indicates whether the rotation of the tick labels is automatic.

Adds FilterOperatorType.BeginsWith, Contains, EndsWith and NotContains enum

Represents the text filter operator type.

Adds Cell.GetDisplayStyle(bool) method

Gets the display style of the cell.

Adds GlobalizationSettings.GetStandardHeaderFooterFontStyleName(string localFontStyleName) method

Gets standard English font style name (Regular, Bold, Italic) for Header/Footer according to given locale font style name.

Adds PdfCustomPropertiesExport enum

Specifies the way CustomDocumentPropertyCollection are exported to PDF file.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.CustomPropertiesExport property

Gets or sets a value determining the way CustomDocumentPropertyCollection are exported to PDF file. Default value is None.

Adds class XmlDataBinding

Represents Xml Data Binding information.

Adds ListObject.XmlMap property

Gets an XmlMap used for this list.

Adds XmlDataBinding.Url property

Gets source url of this data binding.

Adds XmlMap.DataBinding property

Gets an XmlDataBinding of this map.