Aspose.Cells for .NET 19.10 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-46926 PageSavingCallback when saving to TIFF New Feature
CELLSNET-46927 IMailMergeDataSource equivalent for Cells New Feature
CELLSNET-46903 Changing style on ContentTypeProperties Enhancement
CELLSNET-46954 Raise Exception similar to Excel instead of hanging program Performance
CELLSNET-46896 Funnel graph disappears Bug
CELLSNET-46934 Delay and memory usage when converting to PDF file format  Bug
CELLSNET-43416 Sorting of the Pivot Field is changed after rendering the spreadsheet to PDF Bug
CELLSNET-44686 Pivot sorting not applied when extracting Chart Bug
CELLSNET-46793 An issue with pivot tables Bug
CELLSNET-46882 Issue when grouping pivot table by date and saving as PDF Bug
CELLSNET-46935 Wrap text not rendered in HTML Bug
CELLSNET-46940 Table borders are not correctly rendered in HTML Bug
CELLSNET-46939 Support for TEXTJOIN() function Bug
CELLSNET-46237 Cell Format does not stick Bug
CELLSNET-46245 Cut/Paste does not copy the name of Cell to the new location in GridDesktop Bug
CELLSNET-46910 List data validations (dropdowns) are not working with Aspose.Cells.GridWeb matrix Bug
CELLSNET-46943 ImportXML function Table data taking from wrong record Bug
CELLSNET-46899 The appearance of the funnel graph changes (title font, number format, graph width) Bug
CELLSNET-46900 The color scheme of the map chart changes Bug
CELLSNET-46902 Manually delete row option is disabled in the table after populating the Excel file using ImportData Bug
CELLSNET-46916 Insert Range is causing file corruption Bug
CELLSNET-46919 Corrupted file when changing to XLSB file format from XLSX Bug
CELLSNET-46925 Issue while extracting OLE object from XLSX Bug
CELLSNET-46928 Conholdate Total license issue Bug
CELLSNET-46929 Chart axis label’s (title) orientation changed when copying worksheets Bug
CELLSNET-46933 Opening and saving an XLS file removes all document and custom properties Bug
CELLSNET-46945 Extend Range.RemoveDuplicates Bug
CELLSNET-46948 Range.Copy performance for large volume Bug
CELLSNET-46949 OLE objects become pictures when  copying worksheets Bug
CELLSNET-46941 Save as HTML throws an exception when the cell has a file reference Exception
CELLSNET-46952 Exception when calling Workbook.RemoveUnusedStyles() Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds Cells.RemoveDuplicates() method

Removes duplicate data of the range.

Adds OleObject.FullObjectBin property

Gets the full embedded ole object binary data in the template file.

Adds ContentTypeProperty.IsNillable property

Indicates whether the property could be null.

Add WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(String,ICellsDataTable) method

Sets the data source for smart marker designer.

Adds ImageOrPrintOptions.PageSavingCallback property

Controls/Indicates progress of page saving process.

Adds ImageOrPrintOptions.IsFontSubstitutionCharGranularity property

Indicates whether only substitute the font of character when the cell font has no compatibility for it.