Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.11 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-47706 | Support locale-dependent formatting pattern “aaaa” for year in Spain region | Enhancements |
CELLSNET-47641 | Warning raised while adding 29 sheets and opening the output XLS file in MS Excel | Performance |
CELLSNET-46716 | Text was cut when rendering PDF | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47618 | An image becomes all white and some text corruption in other images/shapes | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47635 | Slicer on different table generates corrupted file | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47642 | XLSB file is corrupted after load and save | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47660 | Chart field containing dates has different format in PDF format | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47661 | Aspose.Cells generates invalid HTML markup for particular worksheet of particular Cells document | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47680 | Pivot tables were not refreshed | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47659 | Issue of finding cells with specific styles | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47679 | Difference in calculation of Aspose.Cells and Excel | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47666 | Workbook cannot be displayed in SharePoint | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47698 | Shift in logo position while converting XLS file to PDF | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47651 | Export of polar chart to pdf is skewed | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47662 | Wrong data Labels appear on converting excel Chart to image | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47667 | Missing bars in bar chart in the output image | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47697 | Some Y-axis values are going outside the chart in the output PDF | Bugs |
CELLSNET-43579 | WortArt text’s curvature is changed while converting from Excel to PDF | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47675 | Content of XLS file is changed after loading and saving | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47704 | Custom Properties vanished after edit/save a password protected (encrypted) XLS file | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47708 | Sort order was not working correctly with dynamic formulas (Smart Markers) | Bugs |
CELLSNET-47682 | Exception when loading particular Htm | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47683 | Exception when loading particular Htm | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47684 | Exception when loading particular Htm | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47689 | Exception when converting XLSB to PNG and HTML | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47701 | Failed to create copy of XLTX workbook | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47628 | Deleting blank rows from cells causes ArgumentOutOfRangeException | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47629 | Calling cell values after deleting blank rows and columns causes ArgumentException | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47700 | CalculateFormula throws InvalidCastException | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47703 | Exception raised while calling Workbook.CalculateFormula() | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47669 | Invalid column index ArgumentException is thrown while converting 1st worksheet to HTML | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47677 | DataBar.ToImage raise exception if the row is hidden. | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47686 | Cannot convert XLSB to XLSX | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47687 | Cannot load Ods | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47694 | Exception when open document XLSX file | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47695 | Invalid cell name after DeleteRange | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47699 | Exception when open ODS file | Exceptions |
CELLSNET-47702 | Exception occurred when loading the encrypted “Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook” files | Exceptions |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.IsProtectedByRMS() method
Use FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat().IsProtectedByRMS property instead.
Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.DetectLoadFormat() and CellsHelper.DetectFileFormat() method
Use FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat() instead.
Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.FontDir property.
Use FontConfigs.SetFontsFolder(string, bool) instead.
Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.FontDirs property.
Use FontConfigs.SetFontFolders(string[], bool) instead.
Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.FontFiles property.
Use FontConfigs.SetFontSources(FontSourceBase[]) instead.
Adds CellsHelper.IsCloudPlatform property.
Indicates whether running on the could platform.
Adds Shape.Worksheet property.
Gets the worksheet which contains this shape.
Adds SaveOptions.SortExternalNames property.
Indicates whether sorting external names when saving .xlsx files.
Adds ListObject.Filter() method.
Filters the table.
Adds XmlMapCollection.Clear() method.
Clears all xml maps.
Adds SaveFormat.Docx enum.
Represents that saving as .docx files.
Adds ImageType.OfficeCompatibleEmf enum.
Windows Enhanced Metafile which is more compatible with Office.