Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.5 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-42948 Support GridWeb on MVC New Feature
CELLSNET-46946 Support for Aspose.Cells.GridWeb in ASP.NET Core New Feature
CELLSNET-47251 New Excel “Implicit Intersection Operators”@ symbol inserted Enhancement
CELLSNET-47303 Option to access active cell or selected cells from outside the GridWeb Enhancement
CELLSNET-47243 Hang on getdisplaystyle for a worksheet with rows 65536 Performance
CELLSNET-47044 Date formatting problem in the first column cells in the pivot table Bug
CELLSNET-47301 Rows/Columns are hidden by exporting pivot table to an image after calculation Bug
CELLSNET-47308 Few properties missing in output HTML after setting Cell.HtmlString Bug
CELLSNET-47343 Headings are missing when converting the print area to HTML Bug
CELLSNET-47344 The whole worksheet exported when only the print area is expected Bug
CELLSNET-47322 Wrong value calculated by Aspose.Cells while using the OFFSET function Bug
CELLSNET-47333 When using CalculateFormula API on a worksheet value of two cells are in error Bug
CELLSNET-46960 Formatting and behavior Issues while loading Excel file to GridWeb Bug
CELLSNET-47096 An issue with GridDesktop formula bar with SplitterPane Bug
CELLSNET-47200 Overlapping on navigation buttons issue when setting hidden sheet as the active sheet Bug
CELLSNET-47221 Display row number properly in GridDesktop Bug
CELLSNET-47228 Problem opening the file in GirdDesktop Bug
CELLSNET-47240 FormulaBar.VerticalScroll in GridDesktop not working Bug
CELLSNET-47294 Vertical alignment not effective in GridWeb Bug
CELLSNET-47302 GridWeb shows partial comments in the cells Bug
CELLSNET-47311 Comments cropped due to freeze pane Bug
CELLSNET-47323 Gridweb clear cell’s back image causes page load with IsPostBack false Bug
CELLSNET-47346 GridDesktop shows plain characters instead of ‘*’ while entering the password to modify Bug
CELLSNET-47349 JS error Bug
CELLSNET-47281 Unintentional line breaks in cells when converting Excel file to PDF Bug
CELLSNET-47298 Existing font substituted by Aspose.Cells Bug
CELLSNET-47299 CellsException during Excel to PDF conversion Bug
CELLSNET-47320 Import XML to cell gets the wrong value Bug
CELLSNET-47321 Importing XML gets the output file corrupted Bug
CELLSNET-47324 Icon error in Excel to PDF conversion Bug
CELLSNET-46149 Text Alignment Issue in the Chart Image Bug
CELLSNET-47231 A label missing on chart image when rendering with the newer version Bug
CELLSNET-47116 The data is lost when converting sample.xlsx to .xls Bug
CELLSNET-47325 Calling TextBox.Characters() causes additional tags in HtmlText Bug
CELLSNET-47326 Style of HyperLinks is lost when saving ODS workbook as PDF or HTML Bug
CELLSNET-47327 Text of hyperlinks is lost when re-saving or rendering an ODS file Bug
CELLSNET-47332 Setting TextParagraph properties results in multiple overlapping lines of text Bug
CELLSNET-47339 Cell format is lost/content is missing after saving Bug
CELLSNET-47348 Date format changed in ODS file after loading and saving it Bug
CELLSNET-47290 Exception when trying to open a particular HTML file Exception
CELLSNET-47305 RANDBETWEEN() raises exception ArgumentOutOfRangeException Exception
CELLSNET-47351 Conditional formatting causing StackOverflowException when saving to PDF Exception
CELLSNET-47319 NullReferenceException on Excel file with linked SVG picture Exception
CELLSNET-47359 Exception when loading an XLSX file Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds WorkbookSettings.GetThemeFont() method.

Gets theme font. 

Adds DataLabels.LinkedSource property.

Gets and sets the linked source.

Adds DefaultEditLanguage enum.

Represents the default edit language.

Adds ImageOrPrintOptions.DefaultEditLanguage property.

Gets or sets default edit language. It may display/render different layouts for text paragraphs when different edit languages are set.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.DefaultEditLanguage property.

Gets or sets default edit language. It may display/render different layouts for text paragraphs when different edit languages are set.