Aspose.Cells for .NET 21.4 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-47891 Support to get displaystyle with cache enable New Feature
CELLSNET-47922 Render data with cell coordinates in Excel to HTML conversion Enhancement
CELLSNET-47924 Implement Crypto with BouncyCastle’s API Enhancement
CELLSNET-47951 Support XML maps by XSD Enhancement
CELLSNET-47206 Grouping data with Horizontal Smart Markers and nested data source Enhancement
CELLSNET-47888 Appropriate SmartMarkers required to achieve the desired output Enhancement
CELLSNET-47918 Collapsible rows along with Smart markers Enhancement
CELLSNET-47953 Support adding .webp image to .xlsx files. Enhancement
CELLSNET-47916 HTML style tag consumes 4Gb memory and crashes while loading into workbook Performance
CELLSNET-46869 WordArts and shapes are not rendered properly in PDF Bug
CELLSNET-47890 Lines will drift during Pdf conversion Bug
CELLSNET-47858 Shapes are not rendered properly in HTML and PDF Bug
CELLSNET-47907 Chart’s placement is changed while converting Excel to HTML Bug
CELLSNET-47856 XLSX to PDF conversion issue with pivot tables Bug
CELLSNET-47846 GridWeb implementation incompatible with recent DevExpress components Bug
CELLSNET-47923 Improper page layout view for workbook having default font other than Calibri Bug
CELLSNET-47965 Excel to PDF Conversion - Document pages mixed up Bug
CELLSNET-46161 Oblique text is not showing correctly in the the output PDF Bug
CELLSNET-47917 Pie Chart Labels Messed Up in PDF Generated from Excel Worksheet Bug
CELLSNET-47919 Wrong max value extracted from charts Bug
CELLSNET-46363 Nested structure is not imported properly into XLSX Bug
CELLSNET-47838 Native chart color palette is not preserved Bug
CELLSNET-47910 Range.Copy incorrectly updates conditional formatting Bug
CELLSNET-47931 Style.SetBorder() crashes when multiple options are set simultaneously Bug
CELLSNET-47937 The Author metadata property is not updated Bug
CELLSNET-47958 Missed sheet in the loaded workbook Bug
CELLSNET-47976 Format not implemented while using FontSettings Bug
CELLSNET-47935 Exception is thrown while calling PivotTable.CalculateData() Exception
CELLSNET-47940 An Exception is thrown when opening a special mht file. Exception
CELLSNET-47944 Null Exception when converting slicer shape to image Exception
CELLSNET-47932 Null Exception when loading a special xlsx file with strange formula. Exception
CELLSNET-47963 Parameter is not valid exception when rendering range to PNG Exception
CELLSNET-47967 Overflow error on saving an XLS file Exception
CELLSNET-47921 Null Exception when loading a special xlsx file Exception
CELLSNET-47945 Null Exception when loading a special html file Exception
CELLSNET-47949 Invalid minor unit exception is thrown when new workbook Exception
CELLSNET-47950 NullReferenceException when saving a copied workbook Exception
CELLSNET-47961 Null exception when pivotCacheRecords1.xml does not exist. Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds StartAccessCache()/CloseAccessCache() methods for Workbook and Worksheet.

Provide users the ability to access data in batch mode with better performance.

Adds TxtSaveOptions.ExportQuotePrefix and TxtLoadOptions.TreatQuotePrefixAsValue properties.

Provide users the ability to decide how?to do with the leading single quote of cell’s value when exporting/importing CSV/TSV files.

Adds GlobalizationSettings.GetCollationKey(string,bool) and Compare(string,string,bool) methods.

Provide users the ability to override the default rules of string comparison. For some locales or string values, the default rule of string comparison may be not the expected one(the result of some features, such as formula calculation, sorting, etc., are different from what should be got in ms excel). If so, user may override those methods with the expected rule(for example, user may use the implementation of icu library).

Adds enum ImageType.WebP.

Represents the Weppy image.

Adds OleObject.SetEmbeddedObject() method.

In order to check whether automatically updating icon.

Adds WorkbookDesigner.LineByLine property.

Indicates whether processing smart markers line by line.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportCellCoordinate?property.

Indicates whether exporting excel coordinate of nonblank cells when saving file to html. The default value is false.If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value.

Adds AutoFitterOptions.DefaultEditLanguage property.

Gets or sets default edit language.