Aspose.Cells for .NET 21.6 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-48104 Get value of SlicerCacheItem in the collection Slicer.SlicerCache.SlicerCacheItems New Feature
CELLSNET-48121 Support custom style of Slicer in Xlsb New Feature
CELLSNET-48053 Set user defined formulas as array-formulas and at the same time provide values as calculated results for those formulas New Feature
CELLSNET-43532 Ability to embedded  the fonts with ANSI encoding New Feature
CELLSNET-48042 Retrieved formatted cell values are wrong in Excel worksheet Enhancement
CELLSNET-48078 Deep copy of Workbook after calculation with CreateCalcChain setting Enhancement
CELLSNET-48079 How to check if a worksheet is empty Enhancement
CELLSNET-48135 Issue with protected workbook (with a password) generated by Aspose.Cells Enhancement
CELLSNET-48050 cpu hang on open workbook Performance
CELLSNET-48063 Tme cost when call the api Cells.GetRowRawHeightPoint Performance
CELLSNET-48046 The text offset of the shape is incorrect(arrow:quad). Bug
CELLSNET-48064 The text arrangement of the default font in the text box is not correct Bug
CELLSNET-48088 The overlapping part of the curve is cut off. Bug
CELLSNET-48089 The left and right curves are reduced Bug
CELLSNET-48060 Error using RemoveUnusedStyles function with custom styles Bug
CELLSNET-48080 PivotTable can’t use “值” or “Values” as column name when creating PivotTable Bug
CELLSNET-48085 Hidden column heading is rendered Bug
CELLSNET-48105 Textbox placement is changed while converting Excel to HTML Bug
CELLSNET-48048 Exception when saving XLSX with comments to PDF format Bug
CELLSNET-48082 Adding rows more than 30 using ImportCustomObjects generates corrupted file Bug
CELLSNET-48086 Named range not properly created in 21.5 but worked in 21.4 Bug
CELLSNET-48118 Support to refresh dynamic array formulas according to the updated spilled range Bug
CELLSNET-48081 Image is not shown in GridWeb Bug
CELLSNET-48117 Add GridCell.GetValidation() for GridDesktop Bug
CELLSNET-47627 Issues when accessing/modifying X-axis of an Excel chart using Aspose.Cells Bug
CELLSNET-48041 Extracted chart is distorted in chart to image/PDF rendering Bug
CELLSNET-48049 Different axis spacing when converting from xlsx workbook to emf Bug
CELLSNET-48101 Chinse characters display as Rectagle Linux Docker Bug
CELLSNET-48061 PowerQueries disappearing after query replacement Bug
CELLSNET-48065 Re-saved file with a specific named range value causes Excel corrupted Bug
CELLSNET-48067 SetChartDataRange did not recognize merged cells Bug
CELLSNET-48072 Read empty chart will get a wrong chart type Bug
CELLSNET-48133 Error raised by MS Excel while opening the output XLSX file Bug
CELLSNET-48045 An Exception is thrown when converting svg to image Exception
CELLSNET-48062 Exception raised while converting XLS to XLSX Exception
CELLSNET-48074 Value cannot be null when opening Apple numbers file Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Changes the behavior of Cell.IsErrorValue property.

In old versions, this property only applies to formula cells. To make it consistent with other properties, from 21.6 we check non-formula cells too and if its value is error value, we also return true. User may check Cell.IsFormula property first if he only needs to check error value for formula cells.

Changes the behavior of Cell.Value property.

In old versions, this property always returns DateTime object if the cell is formatted as date time and its value is numeric. From 21.6, this property returns the numeric value itself if it exceeds the maximum valid DateTime value. With this change the returned object is consistent with what shown in the formula bar of ms excel.

Adds Cell.IsNumericValue property.

Provides convenient and efficient way for user to check whether one cell’s value is numeric value(int, double, datetime).

Adds overloaded methods of Cell.SetSharedFormula()/SetArrayFormula()/SetDynamicArrayFormula().

Support to set array formulas and shared formulas with predefined values.

Adds enum PdfFontEncoding.

Represents pdf embedded font encoding.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.FontEncoding property.

Gets or sets embedded font encoding in pdf.

Adds SlicerCacheItem.Value property.

Returns the label text for the slicer item. Read-only.

Adds GlobalizationSettings.GetProtectionNameOfPivotTable() method.

Gets the protection name in the PivotTable.

Adds FileFormatUtil.FileFormatToSaveFormat method.

Converts file format to save format.