Aspose.Cells for .NET 22.2 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-50332 Extract all the NameCollections of a particular worksheet New Feature
CELLSNET-50353 Add StandardHeightInch property in Cells class New Feature
CELLSNET-50152 Various formatting and other shapes rendering issues in PDF and HTML of Excel file Bug
CELLSNET-50300 Some shapes are not rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion Bug
CELLSNET-50301 Invalid value for external reference in DataSource field of Pivot Table Bug
CELLSNET-50241 Regression: CSV to PDF conversion not working Bug
CELLSNET-50268 Empty CellsArea array returned for CSV/TSV files Bug
CELLSNET-50269 Finnish language - Numbers formatted as Percentage are missing the space before the percent symbol Bug
CELLSNET-50333 Aspose.cell failed to collect workbook revision logs Bug
CELLSNET-50239 Missing page after conversion of an Excel file to PDF Bug
CELLSNET-50255 Cell type is wrong after exporting to html and reloading the exported html Bug
CELLSNET-50266 Chart.ToImage() Thread Safety Issue Bug
CELLSNET-50302 Regression: Converting to HTML numbers not rendered correctly Bug
CELLSNET-50328 Cell background becomes black after converting to pdf Bug
CELLSNET-50225 Chart legend is reverted when saving Excel to PDF Bug
CELLSNET-50247 By inserting rows in the sheet, the series of the charts loose their XValues Bug
CELLSNET-50295 Chart.SetChartDataRange(area, false) does not recognize merged cells Bug
CELLSNET-50308 Range to PNG: output not as expected Bug
CELLSNET-50240 Unprotected OLE Objects on a protected sheet becomes protected after save Bug
CELLSNET-50273 Detect the file format of special html file Bug
CELLSNET-50294 ActiveX control buttons are converted to shapes and file is corrupted for XLS to XLSM and then back to XLS Bug
CELLSNET-50340 Table column lines missing when converting specific files to HTML Bug
CELLSNET-50286 Cells.RemoveDuplicates throws “System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array” Exception
CELLSNET-50270 Input string was not in a correct format. exception when open XLS file Exception
CELLSNET-50271 This file’s format is not supported or you don’t specify a correct format. exception when open XLS file Exception
CELLSNET-50293 ExportXml with XML Map throws “NullReferenceException” for another complex file Exception
CELLSNET-50352 NullReferenceException while converting XLSM file to XLS Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Obsoletes Cells.AddAddInFunction() method.

Please use WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction() methods instead.

Adds NameCollection.Filter() method and NameScopeType enum.

Gets the defined names by scope.

Adds MsoDrawingType.Timeline enum.

Represents  Timeline drawing objects type.