Aspose.Cells for .NET 22.5 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-50663 Improve performance of deleting blank columns Enhancement
CELLSNET-50877 Initialize cell’s calculated value when setting dynamic array formula Enhancement
CELLSNET-51006 Remove method SetDataSource(string variable, object[] dataArray) method. Enhancement
CELLSNET-50685 Issue with retrieving Linked OLE attachments in ODS file Bug
CELLSNET-50920 Excel to Tiff conversion issue Bug
CELLSNET-50820 Issue of exporting JSON string to Excel Bug
CELLSNET-50853 Slicers filter disappears after resaving by Aspose.Cells APIs Bug
CELLSNET-50960 Workbook corrupted when re-saving an XLSM file (containing a pivot table) by Aspose.Cells Bug
CELLSNET-50648 The DIV/0 error is turned into NUM error when calculating NPER function Bug
CELLSNET-50694 Issue with DeleteBlankColumns(options) when comments are present in Excel sheets Bug
CELLSNET-50730 INDEX function array form calculation error Bug
CELLSNET-50781 Formula not calculated as in MS Excel Bug
CELLSNET-50861 Contains for Cells.Find() does not work with Tilde characters Bug
CELLSNET-50879 Cell’s calculated value was not updated when refreshing dynamic array formulas with true value for “calculate” parameter Bug
CELLSNET-50992 Date time value was changed for custom document properties after being saved to ODS Bug
CELLSNET-50953 Disable keyboard copy/paste in GridDesktop Bug
CELLSNET-50771 Font becomes bold during Excel to PDF conversion Bug
CELLSNET-50924 Cell background lost after converting to html Bug
CELLSNET-50951 Converting Excel to HTML results with problems Bug
CELLSNET-50962 Issue with interrupting the Save process with PdfSaveOptions.OnePagePerSheet option for large workbook Bug
CELLSNET-50997 Dotted cell box outlines are breaking on the right side of the box height wise Bug
CELLSNET-50865 Chart to Image - not rendered correctly Bug
CELLSNET-50952 XLS to XLSX conversion changes the two-color gradient of conditional formats Bug
CELLSNET-50989 The width of auto-fitted columns is not correct if cells are merged. Bug
CELLSNET-50987 Adjusting Trapeze shape results in “System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException” Exception
CELLSNET-50930 The process cannot access the file exception since Aspose.Cells 22.1 Exception
CELLSNET-50946 One Excel worksheet conversion fails with “Unable to cast ..” error Exception
CELLSNET-51009 TextToColumns causes “System.NullReferenceException” on Save Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Changes for saving Workbook with LightCells

To make formula-related features available for LightCells, in old versions we keep all formula data in cells model in memory when saving workbook with LightCells. This caused misunderstanding and misuse of LightCells for some users. User had thought that cell’s formula data has been released out of the scope of StartCell(Cell) but in fact not. For most users that use LightCells, their primary concern is performance(memory cost). Few people will use formula-related functions other than setting simple formula to the cell in the process of saving Workbook. So, from this version we add some restrictions for changing the cell object in the scope of StartCell(Cell) method. Now it is not allowed to set shared formulas, array formulas for the given cell object in StartCell(Cell) method. If such kind of formulas are needed, user should set them before saving workbook. With this change, we improved the performance for most users that need to save simple formula for cells to the resultant spreadsheet file with LightCells.

Deletes obsolete method Cell.SetAddInFormula()

Please use WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction() and Cell.Formula/Cell.SetFormula() instead.

Adds ExceptionType.FileCorrupted enum

Represents the type of exception is the file is corrupted.

Adds WarningType.Limitation enum

Represents the warning type is the limitation of Excel.

Adds ShapeGuideCollection.Add(string name, double val) method.

Adds a shape guide.