Aspose.Cells for .NET 22.6 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-50880 New apis to convert data to ICellsDataTable for user’s convenience New Feature
CELLSNET-51140 Support data storage 5.0 of .numbers New Feature
CELLSNET-51144 Support reading images of Numbers13 New Feature
CELLSNET-51230 Support to set style for CellRange Enhancement
CELLSNET-50996 Add ChartCollection.Add (ChartType, String, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) overloaded method Enhancement
CELLSNET-51184 Support importing array value if the range is a simple cell Enhancement
CELLSNET-51215 Support saving table formuals to xlsb Enhancement
CELLSNET-50226 picture is blurred Bug
CELLSNET-50954 Wrong UpperLeftRow of CheckBox after loading workbook Bug
CELLSNET-51153 Duplicate checkboxes Bug
CELLSNET-51158 Characters written on objects such as shapes and text boxes are garbled in Linux Bug
CELLSNET-51180 XLS file with Pivot table converted to XLSM is corrupted and data connections details got deleted Bug
CELLSNET-50598 Dynamic formula with FILTER function cannot be refreshed and calculated correctly Bug
CELLSNET-51069 Cell.Calculate() does not update formula dependencies when the calculation chain is enabled for the workbook Bug
CELLSNET-51186 Issue with CEILING function in Aspose.Cells' formula calculation engine Bug
CELLSNET-51192 DATE function was calculated as #NUM! for 1/0/1900 Bug
CELLSNET-51195 Converting an XLSB file with Data Tables to XLSM format resulted in deletion of Data Table Bug
CELLSNET-51235 Some cells with very lengthy formulas are not getting calculated by Aspose.Cells Bug
CELLSNET-51268 Problem with COUNTIFS formula treating 0 incorrectly Bug
CELLSNET-51041 Chinese characters are corrupted when loading html Bug
CELLSNET-51072 ImportXml issue with Date field Bug
CELLSNET-51081 Custom format is changed after reloading saved html into workbook Bug
CELLSNET-51092 Strikeout font does not work in the rendered SVG/image on linux Bug
CELLSNET-51120 Exception throws while exporting xml data linked to Xml Map Bug
CELLSNET-51197 ImportXml issue with Boolean field Bug
CELLSNET-50854 XLSX to PDF: Bar charts not rendered correctly Bug
CELLSNET-50983 X-axis labels are wrong Bug
CELLSNET-50998 Last x-axis parameter is not displayed Bug
CELLSNET-50999 Chart labels do not fit the box - box is oversized Bug
CELLSNET-51000 Chart label aligned vertically instead of horizontally Bug
CELLSNET-51043 Incorrect output of series names when saving workbook to PDF Bug
CELLSNET-51159 Bugs with Chart.Title.IsVisible=false when saving pdf Bug
CELLSNET-51211 Missing numbers when creating Image from Excel Chart Bug
CELLSNET-49105 Saved .ods file is corrupted when the file contains list validation Bug
CELLSNET-50691 Lose ranges of ErrorCheckOption Bug
CELLSNET-50995 Chart.SetChartDataRange will skip empty cells in data range Bug
CELLSNET-51056 Chart.SetChartDataRange did not recognize merged cells Bug
CELLSNET-51062 The type of empty chart should be ChartType.Line if contains Marker node Bug
CELLSNET-51116 Has revisions attribute returns true but track changes is disabled Bug
CELLSNET-51199 Cancels Freeze Panes Bug
CELLSNET-51228 Workbook.CalculateFormula causes “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” exception Exception
CELLSNET-51045 Exception “Cell has been removed: D7” when setting style to a range in Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop Exception
CELLSNET-47707 Exception “This Excel file contains (Excel2.1 or earlier file format) records” when loading an XLS file Exception
CELLSNET-47960 new workbook fail raise exception: This Excel file contains (Excel4.0 or earlier file format) records. Exception
CELLSNET-51227 System.FormatException. String was not recognized as a valid DateTime when loading Suomi Excel file Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds CellsDataTableFactory class

This class provides apis to create instance of ICellsDataTable from custom objects for user’s convenience.

Adds Workbook.CellsDataTableFactory property

Provide user the CellsDataTableFactory for creating instance of ICellsDataTable from custom objects.

Adds Cell.GetDependentsInCalculation(bool) method

According to current calculation chain, get all cells whose calculated result depends on this cell.

Adds Cell.GetPrecedentsInCalculation() method

According to current calculation chain, get all precedents(reference to cells in current workbook) used by this cell’s formula while calculating it.

Obsoletes Cell.GetLeafs() and Cell.GetLeafs(bool) methods

Please use Cell.GetDependentsInCalculation(bool) method instead.

Adds PivotTable.FormatRow(int row, Style style) method

Format the row data in the pivottable area.

Adds Shapes.CreateId property

Gets creating id of the shape.

Adds WarningType.InvalidData enum

Represents the invalid data type.

Adds overload ChartCollection.Add() method

Adds a chart with data source.

Adds Chart.GetActualSize() method

Gets actual size of chart in unit of pixels.

Obsoletes Chart.ActualChartSize property

Please use Chart.GetActualSize() method instead.

Obsoletes PdfSaveOptions.ImageType property

Chart and Shape are always rendered as vector elements(e.g. point, line) for rendering quality.

Obsoletes ImageOrPrintOptions.ChartImageType property

Chart and Shape are always rendered as vector elements(e.g. point, line) for rendering quality.

Deletes obsolete property ImageOrPrintOptions.ImageFormat property

Please Use ImageOrPrintOptions.ImageType property instead.

Deletes obsolete property ImageOrPrintOptions.IsImageFitToPage property

The property is useless.