Aspose.Cells for .NET 22.8 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSNET-51589 Support expand/collapse button style for PivotTable New Feature
CELLSNET-51473 Convert threaded comments to html Enhancement
CELLSNET-51570 Copy row height when processing smart markers of a table Enhancement
CELLSNET-51590 Delete grouped shapes from group Enhancement
CELLSNET-51595 Wrong vertical alignment of cell text on convert to PDF from Excel file with pivot table Bug
CELLSNET-51621 Shared formulas were copied incorrectly for different file formats Bug
CELLSNET-51524 Wrong word wrapping on converting to PDF from Excel file with pivot table Bug
CELLSNET-51675 Shape is lost while converting to pdf Bug
CELLSNET-51435 New worksheet relationships are added when converting an XLSB workbook to XLSM Bug
CELLSNET-51545 Workbook with MS Excel 5.0 dialog sheets failed loading by Aspose.Cells Bug
CELLSNET-51546 Charts are getting duplicated after opening and saving with Aspose cells, then viewing in Excel Bug
CELLSNET-51550 Links in named ranges are getting deleted in XLS to XLSM conversion Bug
CELLSNET-51551 Files got corrupted and external Link changed to DDE link when converting XLS files to XLSM Bug
CELLSNET-51558 Converting XLS files with xlAlternateStartup type link to XLSM is outputting corrupted files Bug
CELLSNET-51564 Duplicate data of smart marker Bug
CELLSNET-51574 A textbox having two columns in it is rendered with one column only when re-saving an XLSX file Bug
CELLSNET-51580 An external link of type xlPathMissing is changed to normal externalLinkPath type in XLS to XLSM conversion Bug
CELLSNET-51599 Very long names for image type resources while saving as Html Bug
CELLSNET-51627 Specific XLSM file cannot be loaded Bug
CELLSNET-51632 RibbonXml does not work Bug
CELLSNET-51696 Converting XLS to XLSM is changing the “Save password” data connection definition property Bug
CELLSNET-51559 Converting an XLSB file to XLSM throwing Exception “startIndex cannot be larger than length of string” Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Add FontSettingCollection.Replace() method.

Replace the text of the shape.

Add ShapeTextAlignment.NumberOfColumns property.

Gets and sets the number of columns of the shape’s text.

Add HtmlSaveOptions.ExportCommentsType property.

Gets and sets the type of export comments to html.

Add base class PaginatedSaveOptions for PdfSaveOptions and XpsSaveOptions.

Represents the options for pagination.

Add class SheetSet.

Describes a set of sheets.

Add PaginatedSaveOptions.SheetSet property.

Gets or sets the sheets to render.

Add ImageOrPrintOptions.SheetSet property.

Gets or sets the sheets to render.

Add GridWeb.IgnoreStyleWithNoData property.

Gets or sets whether GridWeb ignores showing rows or columns that do not contain cell values but are still styled

Obsolete ImageOrPrintOptions.SaveFormat property.

For Tiff/Svg, please use ImageType; For Xps, please use Workbook.Save(string, SaveOptions) with XpsSaveOptions.

Obsolete constructor XpsSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat saveFormat).

Please use constructor XpsSaveOptions() instead.

Obsolete constructor SvgSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat saveFormat).

Please use constructor SvgSaveOptions() instead.

Remove constructor PdfSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat saveFormat).

Please use constructor PdfSaveOptions() instead.