Aspose.Cells for .NET 5.1.1 Release Notes

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We are happy to announce Aspose.Cells for .NET v5.1.1!

What’s changed in Aspose.Cells:

  • Fixes a few issues of Workbook constructor and Workbook.Save() method. 15 enhancements and fixes.

Issues Resolved in Aspose.Cells for .NET v5.1.1

Issue ID Component Summary
18024 Chart2Image Chart tick label format issue when converting to PDF
18028 Chart2Image Chart_Overlapping issue
18458 Chart2Image Truncated data label issue
18652 Pdf Invalid Cell Name while saving in PDF format
18034 Shape2Image Layout and design of first sheet is lost and text overlaps
18687 Worksheet2Image ToImage throws Exception
18473 Xls Office 2010 has detected a problem with the XLS file
18489 Xls Problem with saving as XLS
18534 Xls Offset Combinations issue
18755 Xls CalculateFormula on my file gives error
18673 Xls Combine with charts causing plot area mismatch
18537 Xlsx Issues with a simple chart
18678 Xlsx Textbox Format is lost for Excel 2007 workbook
18681 Xlsx Hyperlinks for Embedded Objects are lost
18610 Xls Remove ConditonalFormatting of the range
18791 Xls Conditional Formatting issue