Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.3.1 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.3.1
We are happy to announce Aspose.Cells for .NETv7.3.1 for the users!
\1) Aspose.Cells
New Features
- Conditional formatting - Include DataBar type’s missing fields
- Conditional formatting - Include IconSet type’s missing values
- Conditional formatting - Support
- Read conditional formatting rules with cross-sheet formulas
- Support Cells.MinDataColumn and Cells.MinDataRow properties
- Support Cell Background Colors with Conditional Formatting (MS Excel 2010)
- Data Filters of the PivotTable are supported
- Advanced data validation of MS Excel 2010 is supported
- Throws CellsException when changing the part of the array formula
- Marker types and styles in the charts of Excel 2007/2010
- Custom Marker shapes in the chart
- How to create custom Markers
- Sub-Charts are not accessible
-AutoShapes in HTML Output
- DataBars - Conditional formatting in PivotTable
- Losing web queries in MS Excel 2007 formats
- Manage external data ranges and their properties
- MS Excel’s XLSB file size Issue
- The static method CellsHelper.DetectFileFormat() throws exception
- Looking for a solution in Aspose.Cells
- Exception: “Index was out of range”
- Loadingworkbook throws: ‘Input string was not in a correct format’
- Shape to image Error in Excel to PDF feature
- Image’s color mode formatting is not kept when saving an Excel file
- MS Excel 2003 Worksheet’s Custom Properties corrupted
- BUG in calculating Formulas
- Opening and saving a file with conditional formatting failed
- Bold style is not seen on ListObject’s header cell
- Series markers issue
-Quotes in the saved Tab Delimited file
- CSV read/write does not ‘round trip’ for some inputs
-StringValue returns a wrong value
- 2 small issues with CELL function’s implementation
- Issues with CELL function
- GETPIVOTDATA formula calculation issue
- PPMT formula is causing file recovery after calling Workook.CalculateFormula()method
- Issuewith IFERROR and VLOOKUP combination
- COUNTIFS formula does not evaluate correct value
- OFFSET function calculation issues
- MODE function calculation issues
- CELL function calculation issues
-VLOOKUP function’s bug
-TRIM function calculation issues
- Save as HTML shows hidden column in the output
- Saving clears formatting
- Graphics in HTML output
- HTML formatting issues (regarding extra borders)
-SheetRender’s XPS and custom number format issue
-Save as PDF does not preserve formatting
- Problems with XLSX formatting in Excel and PDF outputs
- Excel’s pivot table rendered to PDF is not correct
- Custom fonts in PDF
- Cell’s Vertical Alignment rendering issue
- Text missing in the right-most end
- Some conditional formattings are not rendered correctly
- Problem with formatting in the Total Row in the PivotTable
- Office for Mac-Os 2k11 crashes after opening an Excel file
-Why is this code failing?
- PivotTable’s calculated field getting changed
- Problem saving Workbook with Calculated Members
- Compact Layout for pivot table
- Corrupt File when Refreshing Pivot Tables
- ChangeDataSource() is broken
- SheetRender draws textbox contents bold
- Excel text box is resized incorrectly when rendering to image
- SheetRender exports shape incorrectly
\2) GridWeb
40838 - GridWeb’s formattingis not saved
- Re-sizing columnmakes it hidden
40722 - Custom formattingwith Percentage
40826 - Top border issuein the GridWeb
40831 - Cross-browserissues for Aspose.Cells.GridWeb
40822 - User mustdepress key twice to register when tabbing into a new cell - Firefox Issue
- Upgrading toAspose.Cells.GridWeb version issue
- GroupRow with IndentLevel, Text mask and hidden group issue