Using Your Own Icons Instead of the GridWeb Default Icons

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The control’s default icons are located in the URL path “/acw_client/”. The file path can be: “C:\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Cells for .NET\acw_client” by default. You find files like submit.gif, save.gif etc. in that folder. If you want to replace these images with your own, add a config section to the web.config file of your web application.



 <add key="Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.acw_client_path" value="/acw_client/" />


You may have noticed that this configuration only affects the control images path and doesn’t affect the control’s client-scripts path. For example, if you run your page with the GridWeb control and check the source file in the browser, you may find that the acw_client _path property of the grid’s DIV element still says: “/yourApp/webform1.aspx/”. In some cases, you may need to redefine the client-script path. To force the control to use the redefined image path as the client-script path, add another config setting in the appSettings sectsection XML

 <add key="Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.force_script_path" value="true" />