Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java 21.10 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-43768 Java Heap Space Issue is observed while Converting XLSX file to PDF Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43875 Exception “Invalid FontUnderlineType string val” on loading the XLSX file Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43876 Exception “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” on loading an XLSX file Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43646 The shadow effect of the text is not rendered correctly Bug
CELLSJAVA-43760 Isosceles triangle orientation is incorrect Bug
CELLSJAVA-43786 When converting XLS file to XLSX, some parts regarding shapes are not rendered correctly Bug
CELLSJAVA-43838 After executing XlsToXlsx, the AutoShape is lost Bug
CELLSJAVA-43839 After executing XlsToXlsx, the LeftBracket is lost Bug
CELLSJAVA-43842 After executing XlsToXlsx, the shape of LeftBracket is different from the original Bug
CELLSJAVA-43848 Excel to PDF conversion - some WordArt characters are not wrapped the same way as in Excel file Bug
CELLSJAVA-43880 Incorrect rounded corners of the text box after converting xls to xlsx Bug
CELLSJAVA-43867 Conditional format icon are different when export to html Bug
CELLSJAVA-43812 excelToHtml: The shape position offset is incorrect Bug
CELLSJAVA-43871 Prism 9 OLE objects not displayed on output PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-43883 Incorrect renderred page’s sizes Bug
CELLSJAVA-43881 Merging files causes the background color setting of the sheets missing Bug
CELLSJAVA-43892 Borders of Excel converted to HTML are missing Bug
CELLSJAVA-43787 Exception “IllegalArgumentException: dash lengths all zero …” in Excel to HTML rendering Exception
CELLSJAVA-43885 IllegalArgumentException while converting excel Exception
CELLSJAVA-43874 throws an exception on a specific file by Aspose.Cells only when Aspose license is applied Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds overloaded method Name.GetRefersTo().

Gets the formula expression based on the specified cell.

Adds overloaded method Range.AutoFill().

Automatically fill the target range with filling type.

Adds Comment.IsThreadedComment property.

Indicates whether this comment is threaded comment.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.IgnoreInvisibleShapes property.

Indicates whether ingoring invisible shapes when saving html.

Adds Range.CurrentRegion property.

Returns a range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns.

Adds AxisBins class.

Represents axis bins for Histogram Charts.

Obsoletes method SheetRender.GetPageSize(int pageIndex)

Use SheetRender.GetPageSizeInch(int pageIndex) instead.

Adds method SheetRender.GetPageSizeInch(int pageIndex)

Get page size of output image?in unit of inch.

Adds method WorkbookRender.GetPageSizeInch(int pageIndex)

Get page size output image?in unit of inch.