Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java 19.8 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-42861 Could not get the alternative text of the shape in ODS file format Bug
CELLSJAVA-42929 Graph title changes on XLSX to PDF conversion Bug
CELLSJAVA-42933 Graphics color changes while converting Excel file to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-42946 Wrong rendering of Stacked bar chart with series to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-42942 Pages printed on worksheet level and not on workbook level Bug
CELLSJAVA-42952 Wrong indentation from the top of the cell in some words Bug
CELLSJAVA-42902 Waterfall chart style is not copied properly while copying workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-42939 Warning raised by Excel if we only call Workbook.getVbaProject() for a workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-42940 Security warning after removing all the VBA module scripts Bug
CELLSJAVA-42955 Opening VBAProject corrupts the workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-42945 Save as HTML throws exception if ExportImagesAsBase64 is set  Exception
CELLSJAVA-42953 NullPointerException when converting XLS files to HTML Exception
CELLSJAVA-42951 java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown by comment.setHtmlNote()  Exception
CELLSJAVA-42954 Exception raised while loading and saving the XLSX Exception
CELLSJAVA-42957 Invalid FontUnderlineType value is thrown when saving XLSX Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Upgrades the referenced BouncyCastle library to 1.60

The enclosed BouncyCastle library in the release archive has been upgraded to 1.60 version. However, Aspose.Cells is compatible with old versions too, so the user can still use the old versions such as 1.46.

Obsoletes HTMLLoadOptions class and adds HtmlLoadOptions class

Use HtmlLoadOptions class instead.

Obsoletes ODSLoadOptions class and adds OdsLoadOptions class

Use OdsLoadOptions class instead.

Obsoletes JSONUtility class and adds JsonUtilityclass

Use JsonUtilityclass class instead.

Adds interface IPageSavingCallback

Control/Indicate progress of page saving process.

Adds class PageSavingArgs

Info for a page saving process.

Adds class PageStartSavingArgs

Info for a page starts the saving process.

Adds class PageEndSavingArgs

Info for a page ends the saving process.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.PageSavingCallback property

Control/Indicate progress of page saving process.