Aspose.Cells for Python via Java 21.7 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-43477 Digitally Sign a VBA Code Project with Certificate using Aspose.Cells for Java New Feature
CELLSJAVA-40452 Get external data ranges and details New Feature
CELLSJAVA-42494 Large amount of unused styles being generated into the CSS section Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-41121 SheetRender does not render the flow chart correctly Bug
CELLSJAVA-43331 Missing text in circle during XLS to HTML conversion Bug
CELLSJAVA-43507 When executing svg to insert excel under java, it exits abnormally. Bug
CELLSJAVA-41887 Percentage data from a Pivot Table is not showing properly in HTML Bug
CELLSJAVA-43482 Superscripts and subscripts not formatted correctly when converting an HTML document to a Workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-43501 Incorrect value read using getStringValue() function Bug
CELLSJAVA-43515 MDURATION formula issue Bug
CELLSJAVA-43528 Creation date and time and update date cannot be extracted Bug
CELLSJAVA-43529 Unable to extract BuiltInDocumentProperties Bug
CELLSJAVA-43530 Date and time property results are different Bug
CELLSJAVA-41693 Equation in a TextBox does not render to PDF Bug
CELLSJAVA-43487 Text not centered in the output PDF in Excel to PDF conversion Bug
CELLSJAVA-42867 Shapes are not retrieved in the ODS file format Bug
CELLSJAVA-42895 PNG output of MS Excel chart has discrepancies Bug
CELLSJAVA-43015 Issue with SheetRender.toImage() while using setPrintArea() method Bug
CELLSJAVA-43258 Chart points font boldness changes after workbook copy Bug
CELLSJAVA-43436 Aspose Cells ignores inverted y-axis in diagram Bug
CELLSJAVA-43510 Chart is messed up upon re-saving the Excel file using Aspose.Cells for Java Bug
CELLSJAVA-43532 Problem extracting chart series names Bug
CELLSJAVA-43474 Shape objects changed while loading and saving XLS file Bug
CELLSJAVA-43493 Incorrect comment’s author is retrieved Bug
CELLSJAVA-43527 Aspose.Cells for Java NullPointerException Exception
CELLSJAVA-43506 Invalid password exception Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds PasteOptions.OperationType property and PasteOperationType enum .

Gets and sets the operation type when pasting range.

Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddColumnAreaCondition(PivotField columnField) method .

Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the column fields.

Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddColumnAreaCondition(String fieldName) method .

Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the column fields.

Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddRowAreaCondition(PivotField rowField) method .

Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the row fields.

Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddRowAreaCondition(String fieldName) method .

Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the row fields.

Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddDataAreaCondition(PivotField dataField) method .

Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the data fields.

Adds PivotFormatCondition.AddDataAreaCondition(String fieldName) method .

Adds PivotTable conditional format limit in the data fields.

Adds PivotFormatCondition.SetConditionalAreas() method.

Sets conditional areas of PivotFormatCondition object.

Adds SeriesCollection.Add(boolean,boolean) method.

Adds series with a range.

Adds SetSeriesNames() method.

Sets a range as name of the series.