Aspose.Cells for Python via Java 22.8 Release Notes

Key Summary Category
CELLSJAVA-44811 Support to specify sheets to output while exporting to pdf/xps New Feature
CELLSJAVA-44777 Export formulas to html only depending on HtmlSaveOptions.Exportformula option Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-44791 Enhance parsing html string to cell Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-44740 Setting date before 1581 to a cell generated incorrect date string Bug
CELLSJAVA-44758 Copy worksheet across workbooks, the cell format is abnormal Bug
CELLSJAVA-44796 Aspose.Cells formula calculation engine produces ?#N/A? values for certain cells Bug
CELLSJAVA-44798 Bug of formatting 0.9999999999999999 with custom “#” for JDK8 or later versions Bug
CELLSJAVA-44773 Data is messed up when opening an Excel document with hidden columns into GridWeb (Java) Bug
CELLSJAVA-44781 investigate the row resize issue when resize to very little height Bug
CELLSJAVA-44787 Bottom border lost at the last row in the workbook Bug
CELLSJAVA-44761 Excessive memory usage on conversion of Excel file to HTML Bug
CELLSJAVA-44801 Excel to PDF conversion using Aspose.Cells for Java v22.7 causes garbled characters Bug
CELLSJAVA-44741 Line break is not right in the output xlsx after set html string into cell Bug
CELLSJAVA-44776 Table header row styling lost when copying sheet Bug
CELLSJAVA-44789 Issue with character string replacement of textbox placed in Excel spreadsheet Bug
CELLSJAVA-44792 Endless saving workbook to HTML format (2892) Bug
CELLSJAVA-44763 Exception “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can’t parse argument number: 1:X8” when loading the Excel file using “” Exception
CELLSJAVA-44774 Error when saving as PDF - Investigation required Exception

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Add FontSettingCollection.Replace() method.

Replace the text of the shape.

Add ShapeTextAlignment.NumberOfColumns property.

Gets and sets the number of columns of the shape’s text.

Add HtmlSaveOptions.ExportCommentsType property.

Gets and sets the type of export comments to html.

Add base class PaginatedSaveOptions for PdfSaveOptions and XpsSaveOptions.

Represents the options for pagination.

Add class SheetSet.

Describes a set of sheets.

Add PaginatedSaveOptions.SheetSet property.

Gets or sets the sheets to render.

Add ImageOrPrintOptions.SheetSet property.

Gets or sets the sheets to render.

Add GridWeb.IgnoreStyleWithNoData property.

Gets or sets whether GridWeb ignores showing rows or columns that do not contain cell values but are still styled

Obsolete ImageOrPrintOptions.SaveFormat property.

For Tiff/Svg, please use ImageType; For Xps, please use Workbook.Save(string, SaveOptions) with XpsSaveOptions.

Obsolete constructor XpsSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat saveFormat).

Please use constructor XpsSaveOptions() instead.

Obsolete constructor SvgSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat saveFormat).

Please use constructor SvgSaveOptions() instead.

Remove constructor PdfSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat saveFormat).

Please use constructor PdfSaveOptions() instead.