Page Setup
The configuration includes two section and 8 kinds of Page Setup properties. These properties include name, index, FitToPagesTall, FitToPagesWide, TopMargin, FooterMargin, HeaderMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin and RightMargin.
- name represents report name, it represents the whole report when name is blank.
- index represents worksheet index of the exported Excel file.
- FitToPagesTall represents the number of pages tall the worksheet will be scaled to when it’s printed.
- FitToPagesWide represents the number of pages wide the worksheet will be scaled to when it’s printed.
- FooterMargin represents the distance from the bottom of the page to the footer, in the unit of centimeters.
- HeaderMargin represents the distance from the top of the page to the header, in the unit of centimeters.
- LeftMargin represents the size of the left margin, in the unit of centimeters.
- RightMargin represents the size of the right margin, in the unit of centimeters.
- TopMargin represents the size of the top margin, in the unit of centimeters.
- BottomMargin represents the size of the bottom margin, in the unit of centimeters.
PageSetup Configuration Example:
{{code lang=“xml” }}