Supported File Formats
Format | Description | Load | Save |
RDL | Report Definition Language |
RDLC | Report Definition Language Client |
XLS | Saves the document in the Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook. |
XLSX | Saves the document in Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Workbook or template file, with or without macros. |
XLSM | Saves the document in Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook. |
XLSB | Saves the document in Excel Binary Workbook. |
CSV | Saves the document in CSV (Comma Separated Value) file. |
TSV | Saves the document in TSV (Tab-separated values) file. |
TabDelimited | Saves the document in Tab-delimited text file, same with the TSV file. |
HTML | Saves the document in the HTML format. |
ODS | Saves the document in ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet). |
SpreadsheetML | Saves the document in Excel 2003 XML file. |
XPS | Saves the document in XPS file |
MARKDOWN | Represents a markdown document. |
EMF | Saves the document in EMF file |
DIF | Saves the document in DIF file |
JPG | Saves the document in JPG file |
PNG | Saves the document in PNG file |
TIFF | Saves the document in TIFF file |
SVG | Saves the document in SVG file |