Hantera dokumentegenskaper i PHP
Aspose.Cells - Lägga till anpassade egenskaper
För att lägga till anpassade dokumentegenskaper med Aspose.Cells Java for PHP, ringadd_custom_property metod förDokumentera modul.
//Instantiate a Workbook object by excel file path
$workbook = new Workbook($dataDir . "Book1.xls");
//Retrieve a list of all custom document properties of the Excel file
$customProperties = $workbook->getWorksheets()->getCustomDocumentProperties();
//Accessing a custom document property by using the property index
$customProperty1 = $customProperties->get(3);
//Accessing a custom document property by using the property name
$customProperty2 = $customProperties->get("Owner");
//Adding a custom document property to the Excel file
$publisher = $customProperties->add("Publisher", "Aspose");
//Save the file
$workbook->save($dataDir . "Test_Workbook.xls");
//Removing a custom document property
//Save the file
$workbook->save($dataDir . "Test_Workbook_RemovedProperty.xls");
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