Php'de Bölmeleri Dondur
Aspose.Cells - Bölmeleri Dondur
Kullanarak Elektronik Tablo Belgesindeki Bölmeleri Dondurmak içinAspose.Cells Java for PHP , sadece çağırmakDonma bölmeleri modül.
PHP Kodu
//Instantiating a Excel object by excel file path
$workbook = new Workbook($dataDir . "book.xls");
//Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
$worksheets = $workbook->getWorksheets();
$worksheet = $worksheets->get(0);
//Applying freeze panes settings
//Saving the modified Excel file in default format
$workbook->save($dataDir . "book.out.xls");
Çalışan Kodu İndir
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