Aspose.Cells'de Anonim Türler veya Özel Nesneler Kullanma

Aspose.Cells, akıllı işaretleyicilerdeki anonim türleri veya özel nesneleri de destekler. Aşağıdaki örnekte Ürün sınıfı kullanımdan önce tanımlanmalıdır.

 //Instantiate the workbookdesigner object.

WorkbookDesigner report = new WorkbookDesigner();

//Get the first worksheet(default sheet) in the workbook.

Aspose.Cells.Worksheet w = report.Workbook.Worksheets[0];

//Input some markers to the cells.




//Instantiate the list collection based on the custom class.

IList<MyProduct> list = new List<MyProduct>();

//Provide values for the markers using the custom class object.

list.Add(new MyProduct("Simon", 30));

list.Add(new MyProduct("Johnson", 33));

//Set the data source.

report.SetDataSource("MyProduct", list);

//Process the markers.


//Save the excel file.

report.Workbook.Save("Smart Marker Customobjects.xls");

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